We have a cat who’s about 15 years old. She’s a bit fat, not huge, but otherwise seems in good health. A few months ago, she started peeing on our bed. Like, every day. Even several times a day. Every time this happens, we have to change and wash all the sheets, the comforter goes to the dry cleaner, etc. Its a huge pain.
I took her to the vet, who tried antibiotics in case of a bladder infection, tested for diabetes or some other conditions. All negative. The vet has concluded that it’s a “behavioral problem”.
We’ve tried the obvious solution: close the bedroom door. Of course, we sometimes forget to close the door, and she makes a beeline right to the bed and takes a leak. Little shit. And now she’s started to find other places to take a leak around the house, always involving some comfortable place where she likes to sleep. Pillows on the couch, some carpet in a guest room. Etc.
This has gone on for weeks, and I’m at wits end – this has to stop. The only solutions I see are:
- Find her a new home.
- Put her down.
For #1, Who the hell wants a piss-cat as a guest? And she has no front claws and has always lived indoors, I can’t see her making it as an outdoor cat.
#2 was a friend’s suggestion, much to my horror; she described the situation as a “deal breaker”. I mentioned it to my wife, who looked like she was considering it. This doesn’t seem acceptable – the cat could live another 10 years, I can’t see taking it to the shelter to be put down. And what do we tell our 8-year-old about what happened to the cat?
Other details: we also have a younger cat, about 2 yrs, in the house. The two cats don’t get along, but this has been the case since they’ve been together, and is not a new issue. There have been no other recent changes in our household that I can see causing this behavior change.