Olga Ladyzhenskaya is todays google doodle on my computer. I like that: Olga did theoretical work related to things I am interested in, so I actually understand the nature of her work (although not the work itself: I am not a mathematician)
But when I go to Wikipedia to see what it has to say about her, I see that they are referencing
Two Great Women Mathematicians of the 20th Century,
Biographies of Women Mathematicians.
It’s ok. I get it. She’s in that middle ground where she was good enough to be a great Woman mathematician. But seeing the references just drives home the point.
That’s likely due to the big push not that long ago on Wikipedia to make sure that women in STEM fields are more represented. The easiest way to do that is to use sources specifically about women in the field.
That said, the reason they had to do it is that women often get left out. For a female mathematician to be mentioned, they often have to be above most men in their field, while a “middle-of-the-road” man will be listed. So they had to specifically go out and look for female mathematicians.