Olmert's parting shot: Israel must withdraw from West Bank

What is that from? We loves it, yes, my precious, we loves it. We wants more walruses. We wants more Desert Walruses.

OK, but more seriously. Israel returns to 1947 borders. Jerusalem is an International City admininistered by the U.N. and guarded by the Swiss Guard. The Arabs work out what to do with Palestine.

What say you?

(and my walrus)

Well, I wishI couldhelpyouout, butI can’tfindanymore. None.

Shalom aleichem, salaam aleikum, and goo-goo-ga-joob.

Why “I can has cheeseburger?” Kind of like “All your bases are belong to us,” isn’t it?

I have a serious Middle East Peace Plan out there and no one is responding to it. :frowning:

Why not? I no can has bukkit?

OK, now you’re just confoosing me.

Yes, you can haz confushun.

I am also confused. Help?

Apparently there will not be peace in the mid-east.

Well, it’s a walrus. You want it to have perfect grammar? The fact that it can talk at all is pretty impressive.

Miller, the problem as evidenced by LOUNE’s cites has seemed to be more one of typing or spelling than of grammar. Hardly surprising, given flippers rather than fingers. (There also seems to be a problem with creepage of cats/kittens into walrus territory that would have to be addressed. I think it should be obvious that while the cat would have the intellectual and dexterous advantages, the walrus could nonetheless squash his ass.)

One last try. Israel to 1947 borders, Jerusalem an International city, and Arabs to decide what happens to Palestine? Any takers? Any discussion?

The 1947 map posted upthread, IIRC, shows Jaffa as an Arab enclave. Don’t see any sense in that. Otherwise, that sounds sensible. But, in your scenario, what becomes of the 275,000 Israeli settlers on the West Bank? Do they have to pull up and move west, or do they stay as Palestinian citizens, or do they stay as Israeli citizens in Israeli-sovereign enclaves, or do they stay as Israeli citizens but without the protection of the IDF? (Obviously Palestine is not truly independent if it has to allow IDF troops anywhere within its borders.)

Ah, I didn’t notice the Jaffa enclave. Yes, that shouldn’t be there.

The settlers on the West Bank can choose individually whether they want to remain Israeli citizens living in Palestine, become Palestinians, or move to Israel. They do not get IDF protection; there will be no enclaves. There is going to be some pain here. The Isareli right wing shoudn’t have been encouraging those settlements, and is going to have to cough up to resettle those people who choose to leave the West Bank. But the people who settled there should have realized that it was always an iffy proposition settling there as well. (Yeah, it’s easy for me to say, sitting in NJ)

But I still want the elusive Desert Walrus.