Omnibus Stupid MFers in the news thread (Part 1)

Hey! I can fold a fitted sheet quite well, and (as far as I know) I’m not a witch.

In the disturbing video here, the design of his lectern looks suspiciously witchy to me. And who but a witch could walk on one leg? He is framing these women to distract attention from his own witchery.

Did you see the picture of that guy? Of course he deserves it!

It’s all fun and games until someone torches the witches’ houses.

Or eats them

Or drops a house on them.

Why do I get the feeling that his wife came home from bible study, and from the other room said: “A couple of those women are real bitches”

And he went “Wait, what? Witches? WITCHES! I will cast them out!!!”

And she did not want to cause a fuss, so went along with it.

susan: It’s all fun and games until someone torches the witches’ houses.

CalMeacham: Or eats them

silenus: Or drops a house on them.

Or torches the “witches” themselves. Could happen?
All snark aside, this sounds like the kind of congregation that could take this seriously, whereupon mob violence may ensue. If something really grievous happens, could this “pastor” (really scary scare quotes) be charged with incitement to riot?

Probably doesn’t yet reach the Brandenburg threshold. Unless next week he publicly points out the “witches” and starts screaming “Burn them!” That, I think, would trigger the “imminent threat of lawlessness.”

As soon as he names them, they should sue him and the church for slander.

I had to click the link to see if this was Westboro, but the video was way too slick to have been made by those clowns.

That would be very difficult. First of all, they would have to show damages. Unless one of the women loses her business because the rest of the congregation is shunning her, those are going to be hard to prove. Then you run into the whole “Freedom of Religion,” which has been used to justify all sorts of lies and slanders over the centuries.

I was thinking more like, he names the names and the rest of the congregation immediately mobs them on the spot and kills them in some especially gruesome fashion.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that would be bad. :stuck_out_tongue: But it would get the place shut down.

Why do I get the feeling that his wife came home from bible study with a sage candle or bunch of sage that somebody had given her, and he freaked right out based on a half-read and totally misunderstood account he’d read somewhere of sage being used for spiritual cleansing?

Serves him right for letting her do something out of his sight. It’s proof women haven’t the brains Ghod gave men and are the main root of all the trouble in this wicked, wicked world.

Well every terrible person was birthed by a woman! Checkmate!

“unless they deserve it”?.


People don’t cast spells for fun. If they’ve been done wrong, then they think it’s deserved.

Yoga. He probably found out they do yoga.