Omnibus Stupid MFers in the news thread (Part 1)

He was clearly starting to say, “young men who…” and then realized he wanted to be inclusive and added, “and young women who…”. To transcribe his fumbling as “young men who are looking at women” is a willful misunderstanding.

It’s an interesting KPI for publicly elected office - ability to run effectively while carrying an approximation of a pig’s bladder.

But I’m also glad that ‘uses social media’ is the benchmark for potential gun violence. That really narrows things down a lot. Thanks Herschel!

Ah, so the correct solution to gun violence is to create a government department to look at young men and women who look at the internet.

Much better, I stand corrected. This is now a very intelligent policy decision.

Nope. The word “that” in “young men that’s looking at women” is quite clear, and admits to no other interpretation.

I think he was trying to go for a subtle version of “looking at porn causes men to go crazy; it’s not the gun’s fault”

No, it’s obviously the women’s fault. Causing men to look at them and all.

You people are being unfair to Mr. Walker.

We all had to lower the bar tremendously for Ms. Boebert and Ms. Greene.

Can’t you find it in you to do the same for Mr. Walker ?

Otherwise … to @Kimstu 's point … I’m buying stock in burqa manufacturers.

Those scantily-clad women have no Constitutional right to bare arms.

[profound curtsey]

Are you seriously trying to defend that bumbling, nearly incoherent, but very stupid solution to gun violence?

Would scantily lace be an acceptable alternative ?

[and a pony tail … hangin’ down]

The first step in Herschel’s plan for discovering Uranus is to give his own a meticulous examination.

See what you made me do!

It’s all you’re fault!

/party of responsibility

Florida Woman arrested for calling in a bomb threat to her kid’s school graduation because the kid wasn’t allowed to walk at graduation because of discipline problems. I wonder where the kids gets them from?

Individual 1 says mass shootings are because of broken families. Says the guy who’s been divorced twice and has kids by three different women.

Damn, and here I thought the ‘shooting’ part was the big clue!
The more ya’ know, amIright?

Okay then, people who get divorced or come from homes with divorced parents thereby relinquish their right to own guns. Problem solved!

I mean, if we really did have an identifiable societal factor causing mass shootings, obviously the only sane response would be to prohibit gun ownership for the people impacted by that factor.

Of course, it’s complete bullshit that divorce and other forms of “family breakage” actually cause mass shootings, but I wonder how the people spouting that bullshit would react if we took them at their word and started treating “broken family” status as a disqualification for gun ownership.

i thinkl this has happened before

Boris Johnson is going to bring back Imperial measurement to appeal to Brexit voters ahead of an election.

So the boys watch the girls while the girls watch the boys who watch the girls go by? Good plan - I hear it’s keepin’ track of the fact watching them watching back that makes the world go 'round.