On stage confrontation (faith Hill)

I don’t care if your hubby/lifemate/whatever is leader of the free world, you do NOT grab his balls. Maybe once upon a time in some cultures it was okay to do so while introducing yourself but not any more.



Do Tim & Faith have a publishing company?
Do they call it “McGraw-Hill”?

I was wondering that too. I have seen alot of books with this, we will have to research it but I believe it too be true.

I heard Tim actually got his ring stolen at the same concert; is that true?

Oh pfft. :wink: Just funnin’ ya.

I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but I don’t recall hearing anything about it.

I never figured out why the ballpark PA didn’t, when Hideo Nomo took the mound, play Phil Collins singing, "No mo’ No mo’ No mo’ No mo’ "

The way I heard the story (on CMT Insider) was that the ring slipped off his finger, possibly during one of those “reach out and shake hands with his fans” moments during the concert, but it was found/returned.

The reports on the news at the time were that the fan slid it off when he was shaking hands then wouldn’t give the ring back and they had to call security.

Maybe the fan thought it was a different McGraw?