We all know this happens either inadvertently. But don’t you dare give me a nasty look, solely because you’re absentminded.
Say you’re in an apartment building, with a community laundry room. How about having enough courtesy to take your shit out when it’s done and washed/dried, and make room for the next guy, huh?
Well, I know from scientific observation* that the dryer in my building takes about 45 minutes. The sole washer I have in my apartment (we’re all hooked up for W/Ds) takes about an hour. So when I take a freshly washed load up to the community dryer, I figure it’ll be open or I can just take it back downstairs, wash another load, and the dryers will be open, right? Nope.
So I wait for another load of wash to finish (it’s a Sunday, and time is a luxury). Again, I now take two loads up to the room, nearly two hours later, and your stuff is still in the dryers. Well, I don’t care. Time is a luxury, but I have shit to do, and you will not be a LIMFAC[sub]LIMiting FACtor[/sub] to me and my productivity today. If you were sitting in line, heading up the queue at a green light, I’d give you a little honk. If you were blocking the aisle in the grocery store, I’d politely say “pardon me” indicating my desire to pass you, and I’d be on my merry way. If your laundry sat untouched for two hours, I’d politely put it on top of the dryer, load mine, and be on my merry way. And I don’t give a damn.
If you don’t have the common sense to keep track of your own laundry, I won’t do it for you. I’ll just move it aside. And I won’t fold it, either. . . So that little dirty look you gave me after I saw you finally pick up your stuff? You can take that and shove it up your ass.
Go ahead, tell me I’m wrong.
- Note: The aforementioned ‘scientific observation’ isn’t very scientific, but it works for me.