On taking your shit out of the dryer, putting it on top, and not giving a damn (lame)

We all know this happens either inadvertently. But don’t you dare give me a nasty look, solely because you’re absentminded.

Say you’re in an apartment building, with a community laundry room. How about having enough courtesy to take your shit out when it’s done and washed/dried, and make room for the next guy, huh?

Well, I know from scientific observation* that the dryer in my building takes about 45 minutes. The sole washer I have in my apartment (we’re all hooked up for W/Ds) takes about an hour. So when I take a freshly washed load up to the community dryer, I figure it’ll be open or I can just take it back downstairs, wash another load, and the dryers will be open, right? Nope.

So I wait for another load of wash to finish (it’s a Sunday, and time is a luxury). Again, I now take two loads up to the room, nearly two hours later, and your stuff is still in the dryers. Well, I don’t care. Time is a luxury, but I have shit to do, and you will not be a LIMFAC[sub]LIMiting FACtor[/sub] to me and my productivity today. If you were sitting in line, heading up the queue at a green light, I’d give you a little honk. If you were blocking the aisle in the grocery store, I’d politely say “pardon me” indicating my desire to pass you, and I’d be on my merry way. If your laundry sat untouched for two hours, I’d politely put it on top of the dryer, load mine, and be on my merry way. And I don’t give a damn.

If you don’t have the common sense to keep track of your own laundry, I won’t do it for you. I’ll just move it aside. And I won’t fold it, either. . . So that little dirty look you gave me after I saw you finally pick up your stuff? You can take that and shove it up your ass.

Go ahead, tell me I’m wrong.

  • Note: The aforementioned ‘scientific observation’ isn’t very scientific, but it works for me.

I’m with you on that one. There are four washers and four dryers in the dorm I live in, for probably 150 people (rough guess.) There are obviously going to be times where more people will be wanting to use those than there are available units. So, if you start a load in either and don’t have it out when I’m down there, I will remove your stuff and place it on top so that I can load my stuff in and get started. You can help by being there when it’s done. If not, at least leave a laundry basket or clothes hamper or something I can put it in (which I’m happy to do). Don’t get mad at me. It’s not like I threw it on the floor or anything. And I don’t care if other people get my stuff out, as long as they put it in the basket/hamper I purposely leave on top of the washer/dryer.

I once had some psycho-moron open all the dryers, including mine, after another tenant took her stuff and put it on top of a machine.

She left a note in one of the dryers saying “Don’t touch my baby’s stuff.”

If you’re so damned worried about it, get it out of the fucking machines when it’s done! The dryers even have these timers on them and everything, jackass!

I hate these people. They seem to think those coins rent the dryer for the freakin’ day. They can’t get it through their heads that those coins only give them the use of the dryer for the cycle. If you don’t take your clothes out, or put more coins in, you are stealing.

I’ll admit to being absent-minded and leaving my clothes in the dryer for a couple hours before remembering to take them out, but I never got pissy if someone took them out to use the machine. Especially since there’s five washers and five dryers, the dryers take longer to dry and a lot of people like to split loads to dry because the dryers suck. I’ve taken other peoples clothes out myself, and I’ve even found my clothes taken out when I went down five minutes after the load ended.

People need to use the machines and you’re done with them. As long as nothing gets stolen, who gives a fuck?

On a side note, I found a washer full of dry clothes once :confused:

Now that is theft. Yeah, it’s only a couple of dollars, but the opened the dryers on purpose, letting the timers run out and thus costing her money. It’s retarded, but she’s a petty thief.

When you can’t do your laundry because of morons, the terrorists have already won.

WAG: Somebody loaded the washer, then realized they didn’t have enough quarters to start it.

Went back to their apartment to get the quarters, realized the coffeepot was dry but still on, grabbed the pot off the burner, hit it against the counter and shattered it, stepped on glass while trying to get to the broom, left a trail of blood on the carpet going for the band-aids, opened the bottle of peroxide which then slipped from their fingers soaking the box of bandaids, fell on the slippery with blood bathroom floor while trying to put toilet paper on the cut, said “fuck it” and went out and got drunk.

Then came back and started a thread about people who don’t take their clothes out of the dryer after a reasonable amount of time.

And the Laundry Cycle is complete…


Just this Saturday, I did some laundry. 6 w/ds, for about…150 students in the ‘area’. Someone had left a load of towels in the dryer - the only one not running. I took them out, put them on the counter, put my clothes in.

An hour later, towels still there.

Second load was done - towels still there.

Friend of mine, today: “Hey, these towels were here all day!”


I think Trip is suffering from PTLSD: Post Traumatic Laundry Stress Disorder.

Somebody get him a beer, stat!

I have no problem when people take my stuff out of the dryer and set it aside. As long as nothing goes missing, why would it be a problem? I’d much rather someone take out my stuff than stress about the possibility they can’t get their laundry done.

Catalyst says he didn’t have a problem with it either, til all his thongs went missing.

Did they actually go missing or did the Underwear Police enforce their jurisdiction?

I also have no problem if somebody takes my stuff out of a dryer and puts in on top or on a table, if I’m not there when the cycle finishes. Fair’s fair after all.

I really prefer it if people don’t put their shit in the drier to begin with. It just isn’t sanitary, and the smell is terrible.