On the Use of Rough Language in the Title

I assume this is an insult. Well, censorship is one of those topics where you can expect me to get hot under the collar. There are others. Personally, I believe I’m one of the luckiest people in the world for living under a government that (mostly) allows me to dissent openly and use potentially offensive language wherever I please without fearing serious prosecution. Now, the right to say a naughty word on an Internet message board and the right to protest a war are vastly different. But one fits within the other, if loosely; I don’t want to be censored anywhere, and any group that wants my membership in exchange for undergoing censorship can expect me to be a stranger.

I suppose that would make you happy. You’re free to say so, should you choose to. Aren’t you glad?

Nic2005: Personal insults are not permitted outside the Pit. You will cease and desist, now.

fetus, thanks for not responding in kind.

A little catch-up and then I’m closing this thread, since it’s pretty much past usefulness, I think.

Well, I think titles like “Fuck this!” or “That cunt!” aren’t really very explicit, although they certainly are explicit, if you see what I mean.

Perhaps, from a certain point of view, given how hot under the color some folks got over a simple discussion. But, from the other perspective, we do listen to member comments, suggestions, ideas, etc and we take them seriously. Some don’t pan out, some do; some are easy to implement, some are not. But discussion is certainly healthy and raises awareness.