Once again, I'm glad I got the hell outta Texas.

This is why I love Texas, and wish I had been born there to claim the word “Texan”.
While everyone else is busily trying to cut God out of everyday life; Texas votes God in. It’s like a big “Fuck you!” to the rest of the country. True non-conformity.

I don’t believe in a God, but damn- God bless Texas.

Well, He sure is taking his time about it.

I was doing some work in Amarillo, and a bunch of guys came in to the bar (where I took up residence) dressed like cowboys. Because they were.

I quickly learned that night (and subsequent nights) they aren’t like Louis L’Amour novels.

Never root for the Redskins on Monday Night Football when they are playing the Cowboys. Unless you are in the mood for a bar fight.

That’s impressive. It’s sort of like the United States Pledge of Allegiance, only much, much stupider. It starts out like a Biblical commandment, then shifts gears entirely. Who is being addressed? Thee? Texas? So the pledge reminds the indivisible state of Texas to honor the flag of Texas?

“Hey, suppose we should throw anything in there about liberty or justice? Any special civic virtues or ideals that Texas embodies?”

“Nah, it has God and the flag, that pretty much covers all the bases don’t it?”

Texas desperately needs a State Department of Stereotype Avoidance.

With all this pledgin’ anyone else thinking about Der Furher’s Face?

“Heil, Hitler! Heil, Mussolini! Heil, Hiroheto!”

As to the textbook market, Texas is a huge consumer of textbooks and there have been instances when textbooks were changed due to pressure from whatever board Texas has to oversee said textbooks. I’ve forgotten the name of the board, but IIRC it is separate from the Department of Education. Again, IIRC, the board is made up of appointees and a fair number of them are dumber than a box of clams.

Shall I tell you about my Redcoat friend who is very far from being a Texan…or an American…or part of the Texas legislature. But who lived there for years and hung out with them. As in went to the titty bars (his words) with them, and when he was the most sober of them, went back and cast votes for them.

Just sayin’

Please don’t come back.

Hey, I wasn’t planning on it. I like being proud of where I live, don’t you? Do the Texas Legislature’s actions make you feel proud?

Heck, did you even know about this before now?

Exactly. It’s all very well to plead “but they’re legislative assholes–politicans who are power hungry and stupid!” but they got there some way–somebody voted for them. And kept them there. (not sure about the non-American voting, but I’ll believe anything about elections now). Perhaps it’s a case much like the USA now–where a very slight majority won the whole pie, but I doubt it. I am sure there are reasonable, rational and learned people in Texas–but they don’t make the news–or the laws, apparently.
I do miss Molly Ivins. If we could somehow transmogrify 60% of Texans to be like her, I’d move there (and even eat chili…gag). T’will never happen. :frowning:

You had me with you until there. Now I feel compelled to shun your words entirely, as anyone who holds a negative opinion of a good Texas Red chili is clearly damaged in SOME way.

Dude…you post so seldom that your SDMB profile rounds your posts per day down to 0.00 - that’s crazy.

You should come around and defend the honor of Texas more often. :slight_smile:

Hey now, this thread is about the Texas flag pledge, not the Texas state motto.

Hey, He blessed 'em with Barbara Jordan and Molly Ivins, which ain’t too shabby.

Back in the 50’s, when I went to elementary school here, the day began with the US Pledge & “My Country 'tis of Thee.” No “moment of silence.” No Texas Pledge. I know the Bible Thumpers like to look back to the time when prayer was common in school–but it was extremely rare.

The Texas Freedom Network helps fight shit like this latest idiocy. And supplied this link to a piece in the Houston Chronicle.

No, all Texans aren’t alike. Some of us continue to fight for improvement–or, at least support those who are fighting. (Time to re-up to the Texas Observer again.) Family responsibilities kept me in Texas. Now I’m too old to start over & too young to retire. But Texas does have its good points–although it isn’t 100% perfect like all those other states.

Someone compared Houston to Oakland–could it be the “minorities”?

(Austin is still OK, but it’s lost much of what made it great.)

Yeah! And Buddy Holley! And Willy Nelson! And Bob Wills! And TOM LANDRY!

Not a decent pledge at all. They missed the important things. Best scrap it if they can’t get it right.

Just teach your kids to say “one state OVER god” while they say the pledge.

After careful study of you views on Paul Anka, Iraq and Online Gambling, I applaud the level of conviction of someone who posts about twice a year and decides to take the time to respond to offense on his home state (even if it only took you 17 seconds).

Sorry, but white bean, Navy bean or whatever–no beans for me. Now, BBQ I can rhapsodize about…

There are no beans in chili. Heresy.