one.6 Chardonnay

FWIW, the South Beach Diet (the “other” low-carb diet) recommends that you drink red wine on a regular basis.

Just wait till Gatorade and Powerade come out with low-carb formulas.

Oh, we all know it’s coming. I’m taking bets right now and call 0-4 months.

I kow I’m gonna sound like a really pedantic obsessive after I write this, however, for mine, singularly the most infuriating aspect to the Atkins craze is this - somewhere, somehow, the word “carb” entered the English language as a new, never before heard of, unit of measure.

Now, I’ve been alive 42 years, and I’ve successfully negotiated a transition from imperial measurements to metric measurements without too many dramas. I’m equally at home talking in terms of feet and yards and pounds and kilograms and meters and litres and gallons etc etc. I know for a fact I’m an OK guy when it comes to brainpower.

Why then, do I get so incredibly exasperated when I hear “instant diet authorities” talking to me about 1.6 carbs a serving, or 2.4 carbs a serving? Fuck off I say. I’m totally at home understanging 100 grams of complex carbohydrates, or 12 ounces of saturated fats. I do NOT need some idiot lecturing me on some new fad unit of measurement called a “carb” thank you very much.

That should read…

I know I’m gonna [etc]…

Freudian slip on kow? Yet meant cow, didn’t you. Got those carbs on the brain worse than you let on. :slight_smile:

Gatorade has had a lower-calorie (and lower-carb) version called Propel out for years. Good thing too; Gatorade is basically a ton of sugar plus some vitamins and other stuff.

Yeah, but they market Propel as “fitness water”, not a low-carb version of the original product.

The current ads for Dasani, or one of the other waters, say “Can’t live without it!”

Obviously I can’t live for too long without water, dipshit. I can certainly live without paying money for yours. Just like everybody else, I have a fucking tap. And if that was potentially deadly, I have a filter.

Pedant :stuck_out_tongue:

In my rant/world, dessert wines don’t count/exist. I’d rather have a port or sherry if I’m going that route.

If it’s any consolation, on the diet I’m on, a “carb” is a serving. Well, actually, it’s half of a serving–half of what you would normally eat if you were going to have something with that carb in it. I.e., one slice of bread, about half the potatoes you’d have if you were going to have mashed potatoes with your steak, etc. So, when people say to me, “Look! This bottle of fizzy water only has 2.1 carbs!” I translate that to a ham sandwich and think, “I’d rather eat actual food, thank you very much. With a glass of water.”

I think you should start with the rule, “don’t drink wine that advertises on billboards.”

That’s it, alright.