Sometime in the last two weeks or so, in the course of my activities as a consumer, I came into posession of a certain dollar bill. What makes this dollar bill special, out of the many (okay, several) in my wallet?
Across George Washington’s scowling face, in orange colored marker, someone has provided me with the following advice: “One day you’ll need tacos.”
And I can’t help thinking that this mystery correspondent is right. Today, I bought lunch for $3.24. I had on my person one $10 bill and four $1 bills. I pulled out the four singles, but was suddenly reminded – “one day you’ll need tacos.” So to avoid spending my rainy day taco fund, I was forced to break the ten. Because I have to admit, it makes sense. If I spent this dollar bill, I would come to regret it, because one day I’ll need tacos.