One for the GD crowd: C. Hitchens undone by The Onion


“Hitchens’ run-ins with the law have not been restricted to Sparta city limits. In May 2002, he was arrested for drunkenly singing 1930s union songs while driving a stolen riding lawnmower through the streets of Boston, where he was attending an international women’s-rights conference. Hitchens accused police of “atavistic, morally reprehensible Stalinist scare tactics” before being bailed out by conference organizers the following morning.”


  • btw, I have no idea where else to post non-debates but where the debating crowd might see it.

The scary thing is that, with a subject like Hitchens, I’d believe it if I didn’t know that “The Onion” is a parody site.

Man, I laughed and laughed, but my husband just didn’t get it.

When the Onion is funny, it’s very funny.

Hitchens will really have made it if SNL spoofs him in one of their Hardball skits.

That was a very funny piece, but it seems to me that the Onion has fallen a bit behind the times.

I don’t know how anyone who has been reading Hitchens over the past 18 months or so could describe him as “ultra-progressive” or “Far Left.”

I thought Hitchens was just somone made up by The Onion to fill out a story. Y’know, like local man' or terrorist bomber.’

This is almost as good as the little thing they did on Corey Flintoff. That one really had me in stitches. I don’t know if you call it intellectual humor, but it’s pretty damned funny.

I thought I’d add a couple of things ……
It struck me that some non-UK people might not know that ‘Hitch’ ( :smiley: ), has a younger, meaner, equally political and opinionated brother based in London. Christopher recently said of him “my brother is a fanatic and a fool" – you might guess Peter is of the Right. One can imagine what Christmas lunch might be like. The brother’s site:
Peter Hitchens – Might be worth a wander when you have a few minutes. Peter even has a message board on his site …There was also the Hitchens vs. Hitchens debate some while while back
And, as he’s been flavour of the month, a debate between ‘Hitch’ and the fairly odious Andrew Sullivan late last year in NYC. It’s from a weblog (lost the link, though) and there is** no copyright** attached. Fwiw, I found it very amusing:

I find the decline of Hitchens rather sad. He has crossed over from being a non-conformist to being a contrarian.* Once, he was capable of looking at a subject from his ideological point of view and questioning whether the conventional view of those who shared his ideology needed digging over. Now he seems just to oppose the conventional view almost by reflex. I get the feeling that if the British intellectual left had supported the invasion of Iraq, Hitchens would have found a way to oppose it. It used to be the case that reading Hitchens would give you a workover, and whether you agreed or not by the end you felt the better for it. Nowadays it’s just abuse.

Orwell was capable - after years as a wartime propagandist and decades as an enemy of totalitarianism - of writing Revenge is Sour. I doubt Hitchens could. He still has his blowtorch, but he has lost his compass. His opinions are dictated by those he seeks to critique. It’s a shame.

*[sub]I recall something like that distinction (and what follows from it) being made for the historian AJP Taylor, but I can’t find who said it. I’d be grateful to anyone who could point me to a quote.[/sub]