Most practitioners of the three majors schools of Zen Buddhism know that there is no emphasis on the “correct” answer to a koan. As a matter of fact, the Soto sect puts little stock in koan studies at all. Nonetheless, all three schools have idiosyncratic customs that will vary depending upon the location and thesensei (“teacher”) doing the instruction.
My own acquaintance with the “one hand clapping” koan came nearly 20 years ago as I was entering my sixth yearof study under a roshi (“master”)in America. I spent over a year pondering the meaning of the koan without progress until, one night, while being criticised by a person for whom I held little respect it occured to me that my anger at the unnecessary personal attack was causing me spiritual harm. It immediately came to my attention that the sound of two hands clapping is that of two forces resisting each other. The sound of one hand clapping, then, was that of non-resistance. When I was next interviewed by the roshi" he smiled and told me that was an acceptable answer. I further explained that the flash of insight was followed by an immediate sense of calmness. I understood that “what I resist will persist”.
He then assigned another koan that took even longer to resolve.
My point is that Zen is largely an oral tradition that allows great latitude in its practice, The stock answers offered by you in your column are traditional and as “correct” as any others, but your failure to mention that there are no stock answers in Zen Buddhism requires elucidation. Sometimes the questions we ask are more important than the answers, just as the journey is more important than the destination. Remember: “The Path that can be followed is not the Path” is not just a an Taoist saying but an essential part of mysticism of any kind.