One memory. What would it be?

This thread made me think of a movie I’d heard about: After Life. The premise is that, now that you’re dead, you have to make a choice, because you are allowed to take only one memory with you into eternity.

What would yours be?

The one I keep coming back to is making love, looking into my lover’s eyes, and being completely overwhelmed by how loved and cherished and spiritually connected to this other person I felt. I’d live there in eternity for sure.

Being in Edmonton with my choir on a tour, sitting in the audience listening to another group of singers perform. The lights were dimmed and the stage was spotlighted, everyone else was dead silent in this complete stillness, and I don’t know what the choir was singing but it literally sent shivers up my spine. I couldn’t breathe. It was terrifying and awe-inspiring and I nearly cried at that moment.

That–or getting a hug, from anyone in my family or friends, but most of all my mother.

Sitting on the front porch of a beach house on the Outer Banks, reading with my true love as the waves wash ashore and my boys play in the sand, the seagulls and pelicans lazily wafting overhead in the sundrenched sky.


The second part of my honeymoon was spent staying outside of Sarasota with friends at their parent’s summer home. From the time we got there until we left a few days later, it was like heaven. We were further away from the touristy (or crowded) beaches, the neighbors had fruit trees that they allowed us to pick fruit from, most of our food was homegrown or bought out of frivolousness (why yes, I did need that 1lb bag of pistachios to snack on after my sushi), and the whole feeling was amazing. It was great because I was with my wife, who I love very much, spending time with our two best friends, in a beautiful setting. I’d take that one.

Ask me in a month or so when my son is born - I pretty much guarantee my answer will change, but if I die before then, yeah…

Brendon Small

On a beautiful summer afternoon, watching my SO blow bubbles to my 2yr old godson. They both had such looks of joy and wonder on their faces.

That religious experience I had that time. I can almost conjure up how wonderful it was, and it keeps me going.

My daughter giving me a hug and an “awww”, as I put her to bed just a few hours ago.

Getting my driver’s license renewed at the DMV.

Or are we supposed to assume we’re going to heaven?