Fuck you, George Lucas, fuck you very much. Yes, I know this has been covered before, but it’s still infuriating.
Fox was running it yesterday (Sunday) as a lead-in to some football game, so I finally get around to taping it. And I’m sitting there watching it with Bonzo, and explaining it to him, the parts where George, with his Hollywood mandate to do whatever the hell he wants 'cause he’s The Man with the Box Office Mojo, tidies it all up to make it more 90s Family Friendly.
First of all, the number one irritation is having Greedo shoot first. Yes, I know it’s been covered, it still pisses me off, because it’s so pointless. The whole point of the original version is you got to see this neat character development where Han Solo is redeemed by jumping in at the last minute, and before he can be a Redeemed Bad Guy, he has to BE a Bad Guy (are you paying attention, George? No, obviously not, too busy counting your Phantom Menace marketing tie-in dollars).
Also, Bonzo even noticed that it didn’t make sense, plotwise. He said, “Hey, why would he want to kill him? Han Solo didn’t give him the money yet. I thought he was going to take him back to Jabba and let Jabba torture the money out of him, or something like that.” Yes, my son, you are wise beyond your years.
He also observed, consolingly, “Well, Mom, you can hardly see Greedo’s shot anyway, it just kind of bounces off the napkin holder or something.”
Then, later, Number Two irritation, is this absolutely pointless little scene that shows Han Solo at the Mos Eisley spaceport begging Jabba for more time, “I can get the money, I swear”, and Jabba believes him, and lets him go! Now, is this believeable? Jabba’s the kind of guy who sends around leg-breakers like Greedo, what, he’s suddenly going to do the Big Seventh Heaven episode Right Thing and cave? I said to Bonzo, “Now, this wasn’t in the original version, either.” And Bonzo considered this for a minute, thinking about how it made things different, and he said, “Yeah, suddenly Jabba’s a Good Guy”. I said, “Yeah, so it doesn’t make sense, if Jabba’s gonna have Princess Leia half-naked and in chains in Empire and have Han Solo frozen–why’s he doing that, if he’s a Good Guy?”
So I have now punished George for the third (?) year running, by NOT buying a copy of any of his Star Wars movies on video. At first it was just cheapness–“oh, they’ll always be available at the video store, why buy a copy when you can rent it for a dollar”? But after his Special Edition remake came out, I started a personal crusade to resist buying any Star Wars videos. My family thinks I’m kinda touched in the head on the subject of the remake, but, well, we all have our little pet peeves, and this is one of mine.
Anyway, thank you for listening. I’m starting to feel like the Old Codger in some science fiction story or other, who remembers the way it Really Was, before the Pod Aliens came to Earth and started remaking all the old movies. “Yes, children, it’s true–in the original version, Scarlett did NOT get Rhett back again…”