One of my story tweets is in the semi-finals!

I’m taking part in a writing contest called “Tweet Me a Story.” Entrants were to write up to three stories, each no more than 140 characters long, including a word supplied by the contest organizers (my group’s word was “jealous”).

One of my entries has made it to the semi-finals! Woo hoo! Here’s my entry:

** I never thought I’d be jealous of my fat-ass brother’s body, but 38 days post– plane crash with no food, my priorities have shifted a bit.

Now I just have to sweat out the online voting to see if I make it to the finals.

if anyone wants to see the other stories mine is up against, here’s a link to my group’s semifinalists:

That’s pretty cool, I like the many directions that filling out the tweetstory could go.

Oh yeah. I wrote six different ones, all of which were completely different from the others. It was really tough narrowing the six down to three, and I’m still second-guessing myself.

Well done!

Here are the other two I submitted:

**It’s going to be a big letdown if my obituary says “died in bed at age 99” without adding, “after being shot twice by a jealous husband.”

Played “jealous” on a double-word score, with the J on a double-letter square. I may not score with Jan tonight, but I DID score 94 points.**

And here are the three that didn’t make the cut (I wish I could go back and do the narrowing-down over – I’d have made different choices):

**Jealous? Not me. Let her live her perfect new life with that rich Argentinian jackass, I say. (I’m not getting older, I’m getting bitter.)

I have a problem. Sure, I know it’s common for a pet to be jealous of his master’s new girlfriend. It’s just that I have a pet alligator.

I wanted Annie to be happy on her wedding day, so I lied and told her what she wanted to hear. I leaned in and whispered, “I’m SO jealous.”**