One of our own. I'm worried. [Dropzone has tested positive for COVID]

He has daughters. I think they’re doing the best they can.

This sucks. I’d been hoping he would get out of that place before he got sick. When he recovers, I hope they don’t send him back.

Oh crap, so sorry to hear this. Hoping it all goes well with him.

Oh no, that’s terrible. Please let him know we’re all thinking about him, Beck.

Dammit!! He’s a good guy. :frowning: Thinking about you,** dropzone**!!

He’s had a rough couple of years and now this - hope the guy catches a break and gets over this, gets past his other problems, and gets to go home and enjoy life.

Best wishes to dropzone and family!

That is terrible news. I wish him a smooth and quick recovery.

Thanks for letting us know, Beckster. Are you able to get in touch with him directly?

How’s his breathing? Gotta breathe, yanno.

That was unnecessary.

Will be keen to hear good news, and hoping for the best for dropzone

Oh, no! Wishing for the best. I’m so sorry he has to go through this.

Best wishes to Dropzone.

My mother was in a skilled nursing facility recovering from a broken hip when this started. I got her out on March 13th. I was not allowed in the building to help with stuff. They packed her up and brought stuff to my car. So they knew this was a problem and did it right.

When I visited her on the previous week, I had my temp checked and had to fill out forms about possible symptoms. I then emailed work that we MUST have a work at home policy drafted ASAP. Have not been back to work since.

Sending positive thoughts and love out. Hang in there, dropzone.

oh no! i hope he can beat back this beast of a virus. hang in there, dropzone!

Best wishes on a fast recovery, dropzone. I know you’ve been going through a lot.

Yikes! Best wishes, Dropzone.

I hope we will soon get through this. Good luck to Dropzone, and to Inigo Montaya and his wife too.

He doesn’t have his phone or devices where he’s at. So I havn’t spoken to him yet.
His eldest daughter has promised to keep me informed. No word from her yet this morning.
As soon as I hear I will post.

I just recieved an email.

Mikey has been put in the COVID unit.
Resting comfortably. His breathing is okay, so far.
His daughter is working on getting his phone and laptop to him.

I’m feeling like this is guarded good news.

I just recieved an email.

Mikey has been put in the COVID unit.
Resting comfortably. His breathing is okay, so far.
His daughter is working on getting his phone and laptop to him.

I’m feeling like this is guarded good news.