One of the classiest things I've ever seen (an open letter to Diane)

It’s really regretable that it took the demise of a well respected poster to really bring out the best in people (though there was certainly already a lot of good spirit on this board).

I would humbly like to call the attention of anyone who reads this to one of the most noble things to come out of this unfortunate situation. (This is not meant at a backhand slap to the many other kind things done here, but only to cite a friend.)

In this thread:

Diane said:

Diane, in my short time here, you have been one of a handful of individuals that has made me feel most welcome here. (There are MANY nice people I hasten to add, but there are a handful that have been especially kind to me–and who are now cited in my sig).

Because you were so kind to me, I wanted to make an extra effort to get to know you through your reading some of your past posts. In a way, I kind of got to know you above and beyond our e-mail exchanges. And so I know that what you did above was NOT easy for you. I would just like to say that you have my respect and admiration. I consider myself to be a pretty kind hearted person, but sometimes you have to just step back in admiration of someone doing something that you know you might not have been able to pull off.
There’s plenty of kind acts in the world. But it’s one thing to do a kindness that’s relatively easy for you to do. It’s yet another when there’s some risk involved. To shamelessly steal from one of Michi’s old sigs (guess I liked it too, Michi):

“Love given when it is inconvenient is the greatest love of all. Kindnesses that are shared at a high cost to oneself are the most dear.”

What a noble testament to both yourself and Wally. When my time comes, I should be most flattered if someone were able to retrieve some good from what I hope is perceived as an unfortunate event!

In our private e-mails, you’ve written with evident pride about your three children. I can certainly see where they got their good character from.

I am very proud to call you my friend.

This is why I wake up in the morning and get out of bed. Good people are worth it even at 5AM.

Love you all!

I didnt see this till now.

DRY, from all I have seen since my return, you are a pleasure to read. It was very very good of you to post this.

Even when we didnt get along, I always admired Diane. I am so glad that we could put it all behind us. Wally would be as pleased as punch. He didnt like it when his wimmen bickered!

That was really sweet, DRY. I hope Diane sees this soon. It says a great deal about ** you, too, BTW ** to call attention to someone else’s thoughtfulness. Very nice. :slight_smile:

DRY’s always been a great guy so far as i’ve read the board, even quotes well from shakespeare :wink:

My kind thanks to you both: I’d like to return the compliments:

Kellibelli, I lurked for quite awhile before I started posting here, and I’ve read quite a few of the old threads. I was not cognizant of the subject of your disagreements with Diane, or the subject of your temporary departure from the SDMB. I did think you a valued poster with something to say, and I’d like to belatedly welcome you back!

I would also be remiss if I did not point out, too, that while Diane may have been the first to extend the olive branch, it’s just as admirable to ACCEPT said gesture. From what I know of you and Diane, you both are very opinionated, strong willed individuals. It takes a lot to say what you two said, and I have MUCH respect for you both.

Anti-Pro, you’ve praised me on a number of occasions and it certainly has been noted and appreciated. I don’t know you well (more’s the pity), but I’ve always thought you a class act, and your good opinion means much to me. However, I’d mention that calling attention to someone else’s thoughtfulness, or good deeds, is the easiest thing in the world–or, at least, it should be!

Soulsling, you’ve impressed me a sensitive and compassionate individual, I wanted to post to the thread when you broke up with your girlfriend, but I couldn’t think of anything to say that hadn’t already been said. But I did want to give you a friendly shout out and pass along the hope that things have taken an upturn in that area. (I have no SO and I can certainly relate.)

As for Medea’s Child (who also posted to this thread): [flirting] Sweetheart, you know how highly I think of you!

Gee, maybe I am a male slut…

Anyway, thank you for all the mentions and kind words, but this thread is really about Diane, Kelli, Drain Bead and all the other individuals who took the opportunity to use this unfortunate event to heal old wounds. What I did–honor and praise a friend for a good dead, is the easiest thing in the world, not really worthy of mention, and it pales in comparison to the deed itself!

With all due respect to everyone else’s tributes to Wally (who, alas, I did not get a chance to interact with), I can think of no finer way to honor his passing than to take the opportunity to extend kindness to people who you might have been less than charitable with. I do know that I would wish similar good to come from my passing, whenever it comes.