One of the most politically incorrect questions of all time - are gay men really attracted to asses?

I know I am going to need a disclaimer here because some people will have a bad reaction to it without even reading the real question. I am not opposed to gay people in the least. I am just curious about how the sexual attraction works.

Straight men like myself can look at slideshows of nothing but vulvas and vaginas all day long and never get bored even though there isn’t really much to look at. OTOH, everyone has an anus and it isn’t designed for sex in the first place.

I realize that many straight men engage in anal sex and some homosexual people do not. The difference is that straight people have multiple, evolutionary designed options that can accommodate a wide range of preferences. Homosexuals have fewer.

How does this work from a homosexual standpoint? Do you just work with what you have and make it work the best way possible or is it the ideal already?

Thats not really politically incorrect.

Do you mean assholes, not asses?

As a straight man I’ve never found vulvas or vaginas attractive. boobs, thighs, butts, etc. are great though.

Yes this is clearly going to be a YMMV thing.

I’m a straight man, but a very round butt probably makes the biggest single difference to attractiveness of a woman to me of any individual physical feature. Thus sayeth the word of Sir Mixalot.

Meanwhile I can think of almost anything I’d rather see than a slideshow of just vaginas.

Good username and OP combo.

Speaking as a straight man I think your are conflating asses with anuses as some sort of a composite entity and they are not quite the same thing in terms of attraction.

It’s like saying are you attracted to a women’s vagina as the primary point of interest and that’s not really how it works for most men. A vagina is certainly necessary at some point but in and of itself it’s not the milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard. Your fascination with vaginas as discrete entities is kind of your special thing. Men like vaginas in context but (IMO) endless pussy slideshows would get old and off putting kind of fast.

Well, some of us just aren’t interested in asses at all.

A particularly well-shaped one can be a pleasant secondary reminder that I’m looking at a fine specimen of manhood, but I’ve got no interest in doing anything with or to it.

Somehow I seem to be the first gay man replying. I’ll try to be responsible and thorough. I can only speak for myself, however.

First, a good-looking ass, taken as a whole, can be delicious to look at and to touch. There are much more meaningful differences in shapeliness and beauty in backsides than in frontsides. Also, one can actually do something about the appearance of one’s posterior, while one’s anterior is pretty much always going to be as given.

On the other hand, for me an anus is not something that will generally either attract or repulse me. For one thing it’s hard to see until you are already being intimate, by which time attraction has already happened for other reasons.

That said, because (as the OP so kindly pointed out) the anus is not “evolutionarily designed” for the insertion of a penis, overuse in this regard* can cause it to change shape in rather alarming ways. Some people find even this attractive, if porn is to be believed.

*Funny story: a Japanese friend of ours related how he went to his Japanese doctor with a pain near his backside. The doctor was attempting to find out precisely where the pain was, and when he finally found the spot, our friend said “yes, there, near the entrance.” The doctor clucked a little and said “most people call it the exit.” Well, it’s funnier in Japanese.

First of all, there is no part of the human body that isn’t “designed” for sex. When I’m with my husband, the last thing we’re thinking about is evolution. We’re too busy exploring our wonderful options to waste time worrying about the ones we don’t have. Do you lie in bed, bemoaning the fact that you don’t have a 4-headed penis, like an echidna?

We don’t just sigh and make do with what we have. What we have is perfect.

My husband is equally attracted to people of all sexes, and had extensive sexual experience with people of all sexes before we met. But since then he’s only had me. He does not miss having sex with a woman; I’m the person he loves, and that’s all that matters.

And by the way, he has a mighty fine ass… but he’s mighty fine all over, and I can get off thinking about any part of him.

Only the Penis and Vagina are designed for sex. With each other.
Everything else is an adaptation…an awsome one certainly, but an adaptation nonetheless.

I think that’s nonsense: in humans, the number one sex organ is the brain, not the genitalia.

But on the question in the OP: it’s not just gay men attracted to bottoms/buttocks: straight men are attracted to them (on women, of course), and straight women are attracted to them (on men). I’m not sure about gay women, but I suspect at least some of them lean that way too. So there’s nothing really odd or special about the body parts that gay men are interested in.


Do you have a more meaningful rebuttal than ‘bullshit’?

Never sat in a sky chair, I take it.

I think if you’d used the word ‘procreation’ you might have received more agreement, but ‘sex’ is not the same thing.

I generally find clothed women much sexier than naked women. … And I don’t even want to look at any orifices except the mouth!

And I definitely prefer to ogle (or date!) a 36-25-39 beauty queen (or even a 36-28-39, Michelle Obama’s measurements!) rather than a beauty queen with those bust and hip figures reversed. Be careful what you wish for though! While the idea of a beauty queen with 39-inch hips is awesome, the average American woman has 44-inch hips!

First of all, nothing is “designed” for anything. Evolution is not goal-directed. P-V sex obviously evolved for the purpose of procreation, but sex exists for other reasons, equally valid. No type of non-procreative sex is an “adaptation”. I’m not sure what that even means. When you have sex with your partner, not for the purpose of procreation, what exactly are you adapting?

Or to put it another way, are mouths adapted for kissing? It’s a hella popular activity.
Does it matter?

Then WTF is a clitoris for? Remember, the clitoris is the ONLY organ “designed” solely for sex. A penis and a vagina both have other purposes (discharging urine and babies).

And gay men are NOT the only people who get off and anal sex.

I think the equivalent of staring at vulvas would be staring at penis pics, not butts. I’m sure some people do enjoy looking at them, but all day long? Somehow I doubt it’s that popular.

Evolution doesn’t design, but what are these multiple options hets have that gays don’t? Do women have three vaginas I never heard about?

Sounds like the “ideal” of a woman is her vagina? Weird, never heard that from a straight guy. And the “ideal” to a gay man is a butt? No, I don’t think attraction really works like that.

I’m a straight woman, not interested in penetrating anybody, and I like a nice ass. Some are nice in a purely aesthetic way, some are nice in a sexual way. But that applies to a lot of the body… I’ll admit to never having seen a penis that made me think “oh, pretty!”

You’ve never seen mine, amiright?:cool: