One of Time's 2014 "People of the Year", an Ebola survivor, dies from childbirth complications

She survived a disease that wiped out most of her family, and 3 days after delivering her 4th child by cesarean section started having seizures. She returned to the hospital, where personnel were reluctant to treat her when they found out she was an Ebola survivor.

:mad: :eek: :frowning:

One commentator, an Ebola survivor himself, said, “Rest in power.”

And that’s who wrote this piece for NPR; he was told that she had visited him while he was in quarantine at the MSF facility in Monrovia, waiting for the air ambulance to return him to his native U.S.

There’s a link to a podcast about this story from “Morning Edition” that is also worth a listen.

Very sad story, and something American health practitioners probably can’t understand. I did hear stories like this from the early days of AIDS. :frowning: