online magic tricks

Does anyone know how online magic tricks work?

An example of one is

Thanks for any help.

I think this has been covered here before but i’m too lazy to look. Basically all of the cards have changed thats why you’ll never find your card in there. Actually if you chose all of the cards, surprise every one of them has dissapeared.

They start out with the 7spades, 8diamonds, 9hearts, 8clubs, 7diamonds, and 9spades.

The final screen gives you the 8spades, 9clubs, 7hearts, 9diamonds, and 7clubs.
Pretty sneaky

If you really want to know the answer, xanakis, I’ll give you a clue.



Go back and look at the trick again. Forget the mumbo jumbo with the doors and the hands. Write down the cards at the start and compare them to the ones displayed at the end.

Yeah, I get it.


Its good trick though. Fooled me first time.