Online Viagra, etc. websites

I hear about people buying meds from internet sites. How in the world can you buy prescription drugs for real on the internet, without a prescription, and have it be the real thing?

What makes you think it’s “without a prescription”?

The legitimate sites do require you to email or fax them a prescription from an M.D.

The semi-legitimate ones (usually foreign) will have a doctor licensed in their country who will write you a prescription, based on an email or phone conversation with you.

The sites that do it without any prescription are indeed probably illegal. You may get the actual drug ordered, but just as likely it could be a fake version. Or a supply of outdated meds. Or even nothing ever delivered at all. And how would you know what you got, or even who to complain to about it?

The fact that I haven’t been to any of those sites, and I was reading in Cosmo yesterday about men getting Viagra from the internet, and I was like… What? They got real prescription drugs from the internet? And I couldn’t fathom what the point of going to a doc for a prescription, then instead of going to your local pharmacy to get it filled, going online, and then waiting for your prescription to come in.

There are some online pharmacy sites that will dispense prescription drugs, including Viagra/Cialis, etc. as well as weight loss drugs and others.

They have a licensed doctor on their payroll, and prospective buyers have to fill out an online questionairre concerning their overall health, medications they are taking, previous medical history, etc. The doctor reviews the answers and issues a prescription.

Not as thorough or accurate as a doctor visit, but legal.