Ontario and America Cell Phone Plan/Coverage

I have a Canadian friend who is spending extended time in both America and Rural Toronto, and is a bit of a luddite when it comes to cell phones. He recently looked into an iPhone but AT&T’s international coverage was not suitable/affordable.

So, I searched the 'dope and only found threads on traveling to Canada and using a phone, or living in Canada and choosing a plan. Any pointers on plans I can recommend to him that will provide coverage in America and Canada?

Since the OP is looking for opinions, this is better suited to IMHO than GQ.

General Questions Moderator

Yes, but it’s a negative pointer. Do not get a pay-as-you-go plan. My Virgin does not cover Canada, and my Telus does not cover the U.S.

Get a phone for each country. T-Mobile pay as you go in the U.S. is dirt cheap if you buy time $100 a pop.

Cell phone coverage in Canada is ten times more expensive.* It is not worth buying a cell phone and getting a provider if it can possibly be avoided.
[sub]*Not an exaggeration. I get 1000 minutes for $100 with T-Mobile. The best I can get for $100 in Canada is 100 minutes.[/sub]


A farm about 50 miles northwest of the city = rural Toronto?

I guess technically that would be rural Ontario. Toronto is the city. It’s not rural by definition. :slight_smile:

Sorry to be a picky jerk.