Oohh! I got's me a puppy!

In the same vein as ClairificC’s thread, I got a new puppy!

My girlfriend and I decided to go have a look around the RSPCA to see if they had any little puppy dogs for adoption, and they did.
So we got Seth. He’s a Rotti x Jack Russell. The mother was the Jack Russell and the father was the Rotti :eek:.

Seth is 8 weeks old, looks like a Rotti puppy, but has distinct JR features, such as the smaller legs and longer hair. He’s going to be so cute!

So anyways, I just thought I’d share my news!


heh heh


I wanna puppy or a kitty :frowning:

OOOOOO!!! :smiley:

I just love little furry things. Congradulations!!! I’m sure you’l love him as much as I adore my Madeline. What did you 2 name her???

Thanks for saving a life, and congratulations on the new addition! Seth sounds adorable. Just make sure you keep up with his puppy boosters. Little Rotties are more prone to parvo than most other breeds, so it’s especially important for him. Also, don’t let him get by with anything now that you don’t want him to do when he weighs 60 or 70 pounds. He’s likely to be a really strong, stocky dog, so make sure he learns his manners while he’s little enough to deal with easily.

Have fun with your new little one!


If you haven’t done it already, research the two breeds–one thing I love about mutts is that you often get the closest to perfect dog for you( tailor made by Mother Estrus and Father Fate), along with (usually) hybrid vigor. I love rottweilers, but between that and a Jack Russell you may end up with a very strong-willed dog, so, like CrazyCatLady I caution you to bone up on your training etiquette (no dog pun intended, really, it just slipped out [oop, and there’s a mutt pun, ferchrissakes]) and make sure you are consistent.
Check out The Monks of New Skete: they are my main men when it comes to dog training and the whole dog ownership responsibility “thang.” Even though they train GSDs and I have a hound, their books are still the best all-around books. (IMHO, of course) If you’re really excited about your great potentially über-clever and trainable little dog, check out a book called Caninestein and there’s an Idiot’s Guide to “Fun and Tricks with Your Dog” that we enjoyed–especially the Gunfight at OK Corral, that’s our favourite…you can also teach your dog to fetch you a beer from the fridge.

I love having a dog…keep us posted on the big milestones:

housebreaking (the first time they ask to be let out at the back door, or take themselves out is AWESOME!)

“Mastery” (this is in quotation marks, because with a hound, some days…) of Sit, down, come, stay…and then the silly tricks, like “shake” and “roll over”

First dog park day…

I’m very excited for you–good luck!

Awww! Thanks everyone!

While at the RSPCA, Seth had already had some basic training, so he’s a bit easier to handle than most puppies are at his age. He comes when he’s called, he sits and shakes hands when we tell him to, he stops “doing bities” when we say [little puppies just LOVE gnawing on things] and we’ve even managed to partially toilet train him in the last two days! We tell him to go outside and go to the “toilet!” and he goes. He’s excellent so far.

ClairificC - we named him Seth, after the Egyptian god [of destruction, mind you, but we’ll train that part out of him, heh], and “Set” for short, or “Setty”.

Tortuga - thanks muchly for the sites, I’ll check them out, pronto.