Ooooh shiny!! (New Danksos)

I picked up a pair at a garage sale for five bucks a few years ago. Best five bucks I ever spent. I wore the pair dozens of times before they finally broke down. Great shoes!

I will look! I think they are really cute, so pft to anyone who thinks they’re ugly.

I find them really stable…except when they’re not. Every once in a while I’ll turn my ankle a bit while wearing them, so I don’t think I’d use them if I had weak ankles. And once I stepped on a tiny traffic-cone shaped object (my daughter’s knitting tool) and went down like a ton of bricks.

I was thinking exactly this. I always assumed the occasional ankle twist problems were due to them being slightly loose and my myriad foot/leg issues (I’m flat footed, knock kneed, and pigeon toed).

It’s not necessarily caused by my walking issues but I’m sure they’re not helping.

Well, I’m ashamed to admit that I was forced (forced, I tell you!) to buy the zebra print patent ones also. Thank you tax return!

I think they’re cute, too, and I have several pairs — including one custom hand-painted pair with sunflowers all over them. I also have plain black, brown suede (true clogs without backs) and a pair of Dansko sandals.

I also have several pairs of cowboy boots, cowboy boot clogs, and various other types of shoes of every description … so I think it’s safe to say I’m not the demographic of any particular shoe type. :slight_smile:

Interesting that the biggest selling point is the comfort factor. I mean, they look incredibly comfortable but way cuter than most shoes where the primary focus is comfort. I would absolutley get a pair (or three) if they wren’t so pricey. I’ve never been know to pamper my feet by I *do *like a funky shoe :slight_smile:

~ waves magic wand ~ Sale prices!

Helle Comfort is another brand that has some adorable models (although like most comfort brands, some are atrocious too). Cute example

Another cute one — on sale

The thing about Danskos is that they last forever. I have a pair of sandals (similar to these, but not patent) that I’ve worn almost every day during the summer for years, and they’re still in great shape. I expect my newer Mary Janes to last just as long. If you like to change your shoe style a lot, or if you like to frequently update your shoes, Danksos might be a bit pricey. But, if like me, you like to buy a pair of shoes and wear it forever, they’re a good investment.

As far as my “type”, I don’t do yoga and I suck at the attachment parenting thing, but I run with a pretty crunchy crowd. I went to a meeting at a friend’s house last night and we all kicked off our shoes before we sat down…there was a big pile of Danskos, Keens, Merrells and one pair of Sanitas, which look exactly like Danskos. Yeah, we like our comfortable shoes.

Love the one on sale! Do you know how wide they run? My feet are pretty wide…

OMG! You are pure evil, Ellen Cherry! I just may have to buy those purple sequin ones. I can justify it by saying I don’t have any purple shoes. I also don’t have anything to wear with purple shoes but that is irrelevant.

I have two pair of Helle, and I’d say they run a teeny bit wider than normal. They may, however, carry a wide width. They should, for what they charge for them. I have an average width foot and they’re roomy, but if your feet are “pretty wide” I’d say you’d better look for a W width.

Oh, and muhahaha :smiley: