open water swim. Any tips?

so, I am training to do the Danskin triathlon here in about a month or so. The first leg of the race is an 800m open water swim. For the most part I am a pretty capable swimmer…I can hold my head under water, can open my eyes (with goggles), don’t flail about, have a good freestyle / breathing rhythm figured out.

My problem is the open water. Meaning, water that I don’t know what else is in besides me. I am fine in a pool, in a bathtub, or basically clear water. It’s that fear of not knowing what can jump up and bite me that is getting me all panicky inside. Plus, all those plants that rub up against your leg just freak me out!

I have a practice 1/2 mile swim tomorrow and am feeling all scared and jittery inside about it.

Any tips to help me not drown?

that big Fin sticking out of the water? You might want to swim AWAY from that.

Hey there. I learned to swim partially in a murky lake with freshwater lake-plants (“Gleep”) so I know where you’re coming from. When that gleep touches your leg… ::shudder::

That said you’ve set yourself a goal and this is something you need to deal with to achieve it. What works for me is preparatory visualization. This is not “positive visualization” where you imagine everything goes perfectly. With this technique you imagine specific problems you might encounter and mentally rehearse the reaction you will use to overcome them. Then if the bad thing does happen, you are prepared to deal with it. It also helps dispell the “OMG what am I going to do…?” panicky feelings.

(I’m not much of a competitive swimmer so my example might not be the greatest.)

So, first you imagine you’re swimming along and you feel something gleepy touch your leg. Then you rehearse staying calm and focusing on slow measured breaths, and rhythmic swimming.

In my case I ride horses and there are a lot of variables there. This type of excercise helps me mentally prepare for the obstacles I am most likely to encounter, and to see them as something I can easily overcome. A little visualiztion of the perfect ride/swim never hurts, but for me it is more productive to focus on problem-solving visualization so I don’t lose it at the first sign of trouble.

Good luck! I am in awe of you that you are doing a triathlon!

I did my first open water mile swim as a young teen, and wow. I had grown up in and around the ocean, but this was different. hell yeah I was afraid I would drown, I’m not that strong a swimmer!

Peer pressure probably helped, and staying with the pack as best I could. You can’t bunch up too much, but you’ll see what I mean.

I also tried to remember that nobody had gotten attacked by a shark in our neck of the woods in decades, and Jaws is only a movie!

Good luck, and good for you!

I’m also doing the Danskin - but in Seattle, this August.

Enjoy it, it’s the most fun tri that I’ve ever done!

I’ve no idea what to say about your fear - but chances are, nothing is going to come out from nowhere and bite you. If you can, talk to other people who have swum in that lake and ask them what’s out there, if they’ve ever seen anything… when you do your practice (and practice is good) just take some time to look around and see what’s there. If you can handle it - swim through the seaweed (I don’t think it’s that bad. One of my friends hates every second of it) so you know what it’ll feel like.

Good luck! You’ll do great!

Thanks everyone…I am heading out to the lake in a bit and will use all your tips.

especially yours, DeVena :rolleyes: :slight_smile:

Hello Again, prep visualization is a great idea. Of course, it will have to be a different kind of visualization I have been doing, i.e. imagining the worst. I will definitely see myself swimming through/away all those icky, gleepy plants and icky lake thingies. erk!

EJsGirl, I have heard the pack mentality is a good thing during these races. That is how I am planning on getting through the bike and run portions. Don’t let anyone pass me, and try to work my way to the front of the pack. I’ll keep that in mind for the swim portion too.
amarinth, I am getting out to the lake a bit early so I can get comfortable in my surroundings before jumping in the murky lake. My friend said you can’t really see through the water, so I’ll take that as a good thing…can’t see what really is touching my leg, be it fishies, planties, or other.
once again, thanks. Nothing like having conquering your fear on your to do list for the weekend :slight_smile: I’ll let you know how it goes :rolleyes:

sorry about the last rolleyes…don’t know how that got there