Opinions wanted: recommend me a tablet to buy

I already have an iPad. However, like all things Apple (or windows, for that matter) the OS is already out of date and they are no longer making apps that run on it.

So, instead of dropping another large chunk O’ change on another iPad, What other pads/tablets have folks used and really liked?

I have to admit, this iPad is prerty nice. It has its flaws for sure, like its keyboad, but i’ve dropped it a numner of times onto a hard surface and have had no ill effects. The apps available for it are amazing, and its battery life is strong. But i am open to other brands, since to replace the iPad is going to be expensive.

Any experiences to share, good and bad?l

Don’t buy a Coby Kyros. They’re garbage.

Since that’s the only tablet we’ve had so far, that’s the only solid advice I can give now. My husband’s getting a Nexus 7 and I’m getting a Fire HD for Christmas… can tell you more after that but I suspect it’ll be too late.

Why does it matter if the OS is out of date, doesn’t it still perform the same functions it always did?

And in what way are they no longer making apps that run on it? I have an old iPod Touch 3g and I haven’t found any apps that don’t run on it.

If you like the way iOS works then I think your only logical choice is another iPad. If you want more flexibility and control and the ability to use the tablet storage like a flash drive (freely move files to and from it), Android may be more to your liking. The Google Nexus tablets are the standard and are a lot cheaper than iPads.

I’ve owned a number of Android tablets. My current tablet is a Galaxy Tab 7.7, which is a great size (7.7") for reading books, viewing movies, checking e-mail, etc. And it’s small enough that I can comfortably use it one-handed for a long time, or use it in crowded places (e.g. riding on a subway). The down side is, it’s a bit small for viewing full-page content like Zinio magazines. I think the Nexus-7 is very similar (except it has a newer version of Android).

I also had an ASUS TF700, and its screen is fantastic. It was perfect for reading full-page magazines and documents. However I found it to be rather slow, and I found I wasn’t carrying it around very often because the 7.7 is far more convenient, so I recently sold it. I would love to buy a Nexus-10 to replace it, as it has an even higher resolution display and reported to be faster.

Windows-8 tablets show a lot of promise too. If you intend to do “real work” (e.g. using Microsoft Office), that’s probably the way to go. I love my new Samsung ATIV Smart PC Pro, but that may be a bit more than you’re looking for. (It’s a full Intel Core-i5 system.)

I have a Galaxy Tab, whatever was the first version to come out. I love it. People thought I was crazy to get it but then they wanted one too.

Since you keep bringing up expense, I’ll recommend the Nexus 7.


Quite simply, I don’t think there is a better tablet out, right now, which outdoes it at $200 - 250, depending on the amount of storage you like.

I had my doubts about a 7 inch tablet, but after purchasing one as a gift and also using it, I’m officially sold. It’s portable (light weight, as well as physical size), is much easier to hold without fatigue, has a great feel/build quality (especially the rear), very nice display, and again, that aggressive price. Google has been very prompt with updates, too (not sure what you’re getting at with Apple, as they seem to set the bar, most cases).

If I had to choose a downside, it would be the speaker. It’s fine for games and some video, but if you’re an audiophile or place heavy emphasis on the sound experience, the quality isn’t the best.

That said, I plan to buy another one as a gift, just because you get so much for the price.

I have a Galaxy Tab 7. I like it a lot although it does have a habit of hanging now and then and came with 0 in the way of instructions as to how to use it. Still you can find most of what you need on the internet. (Press the power and sound up key to force restart)