"Opus" comic strip suppressed

Watcha gonna say when it turns out that the papers that won’t run the strip are owned by a bunch of cowardly hypocritical Republicans?

Aren’t you jumping the gun just a bit with this preemptive rush to judgement?
That didn’t work out too well for Bush and his party in Iraq, so why continue to do it?

Autonomic reflex?

For the record, The Charlotte Observer ran the cartoon this morning. I honestly don’t know much about their politics.

The Atlanta Journal and Constitution ran it here. The paper’s letters to the editor call it a liberal rag all of the time.

That comic strip was ridiculously not funny. Just for the record.

I don’t understand it. It’s so not offensive to muslims. It’s not even offensive to radical islamists!

And even if it was, so what? “Fuck 'em if they can’t take a joke.”
-J.R. “Bob” Dobbs

Usually, that attitude is taken towards people who do not riot and issue death threats when offended.

The strip ran today in our local Sunday Gazette-Mail.*

*I’d say the Gazette-Mail is somewhat liberal but that’s easily debatable. It’s a combined effort between the liberal Gazette and the conservative Daily Mail. After decades of a joint operating agreement, the Gazette now owns controlling interest in its press-mate the Daily Mail, but, maintains the separate editorial staffs.

“I prefer ‘Fatima Struggle’”

I s’pose instead of Fatima Jihad

No, no, you’ve confused them with the Jews. :wink:

FWIW, both Democratic Underground and Free Republic consider this a story of interest.

It ran in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune today. That’s a bleeding heart fish wrap factory if ever there was one.

on GoComicsdotcom but not not Comicsdotcom

Maybe they just don’t want thier shit torn up?

Just like when I hear about an illegal deviant sexual perversion, I naturally assume it must have been performed by a Republican.

That’s just as fair, right?

It ran in the Cleveland Plain Dealler, (known to commies as a fascist rag and to fascists as a commie rag and to real people as “If it bleeds it leads” mediocrity).

Does anyone know whether WaPo actually wound up failing to run the comic? The on-line edition has no story on the matter (as I would expect to find if they had a public statement explaining their decision to not print it).

It also ran in the more self-avowedly “liberal” Akron Beacon-Journal.

It ran in today’s Kansas City Star, FWIW.

It ran in today’s Chicago Tribune. Are there any confirmed sitings of newspapers in which it did NOT run?

It did not run in the Post. Lame.