Orange Alert and Girl Scout Cookies.

There was an article in the local paper about the city council meeting that pitted the city against the Girl Scouts with some influencing factors from the federal government.

My city is fairly affluent, not on my side of town, but in the new part which is about 3/4s of the city. They don’t like door-to-door salemen and street corner soliciting, but it’s our right to do such things. The city can’t ban soliciting, but they can make us get a permit. The permit cost $50 plus $10 each for any additional person.

The city council was having a discussion about the solicitation ordinances.
Councilman #1 queries Girl Scout Cookies are in, do they need permit to sell them around the neighborhood.
Councilman #2 offers to exclude certain groups.
The city attorney says no, it has to be applied equally.
I’m not sure how that discussion came out.

Anyway, the real reason for the discussion was because that under an Orange Alert the city can ban soliciting all together. And you thought it was just a bunch of cute colors, didn’t you?
Not missing an opportunity, the city banned all soliciting.

Re-enter Councilman #1. He says I’m up to my eyeballs in Girl Scout Cookies and now they can’t even get a permit if they really do need one.
Councilwoman #3 chimes in with what the hell are little girls going door to door when we are under an Orange Alert in the first place. …
I bet she’s got her bathroom well wrapped in plastic sheets and duct tape. And well stocked with plenty of c-rations and flashlight batteries.

I bet John A. had know idea that taking away citizens rights was going to come down to a fight about Girl Scout Cookies. …

I’m cheering for the Girl Scouts.