I’ve finally gotten around to downloading Dragon Age Inquisition from Origin, and it seems like it’s taking a long time. As in three days so far. Is this normal? And any suggestions for speeding it up?
That’s definitely not normal. I downloaded Titanfall recently (~23gb with the Deluxe bits) and it was a couple hours but not several days. I don’t have good suggestions for speeding it up (restart, etc) but that’s not a normal download speed.
I just got a new computer the same day-might there be some kind of connection?
No, that’s not normal. What does it say you’re downloading at?
Go to speedtest.net and make sure your connection is running appropriately. Turn off any downloads before you do so.
I suppose your computer might be industriously downloading Windows updates in the background – I know that my new machine acted “laggy” for the first day or so, for that very reason.
Speedtest says my download speed is 2.94 Mbps. I’m an amateur at this-is that a good speed?
No. That’s the connection I had in 1997.
You’re still looking at like 12 hours of downloading rather than 3 days.
I’d have been happy with 12 hours-3 days ago. Any ideas on how I can speed this up or find out what’s going wrong? Nothing else seems slow.
There are lots of reasons why your connection could be that low. Presumably your internet package is not supposed to be that bad. It could be bad wiring, it could be that your modem just needs to be reset.
I’d start by calling your ISP tech support and begin the interminable process of letting them troubleshoot you. You will probably slit your wrists before it’s all said and done, but they may solve the problem for you.
I also tried downloading something from Steam, just for comparison purposes, and it seemed to go pretty quickly. So maybe Origin just sucks.
I was going to say maybe you messed something up when setting up your internet connection, but if Steam is downloading at normal speeds that’s probably not it.
If it’s a new computer, have you tweaked it yet? I use Tweakhounds guides and have for every version of windows since ME. I don’t do the more advanced stuff like registry edits but a lot of stuff in his guides is very helpful and will make your comp run faster and better. Also make sure your drivers and programs are all up to date. This probably won’t help you with your downloads but getting rid of bloatware, tweaking and updating will help you in the future.
Origin may suck but it doesn’t suck universally. As I said, I’ve recently made large downloads from Origin much more swiftly than you report.
Interesting, thanks! I will look it up. I also used something called Decrapifier when I first started it up, as that was supposed to clean out a lot of unneeded stuff.