Origin of an expression

“Cost is no object” - is there a traceable origin to this phrase? A coworker claims it should be “Cost is no objection” - I think he’s an idiot, but I’m not having any effective Google searches.


2. Something ‘thrown’ or put in the way, so as to interrupt or obstruct the course of a person

This is listed as an obsolete use of the word, so the phrase that “‘something’ is not an object” is probably very old. This could be a living linguistic fossil.

This doesn’t answer your question about where the phrase “cost is not an object” originated, though.

From “obicere,” to throw against, or in the path of…the past participle, “obiectus,” i.e. thrown as an obstacle in the path. Thus, an “object” is an obstacle, “price is no obstacle.”

Thanks! I’ll pass this info on…