Origin of "dreamers awake"

For some reason I have an association in my head between the phrase “dreamers awake” and the Christmas carol “O Holy Night,” but I can’t find any information as to why that might be. Does anyone know the origin of this phrase?

I don’t know the answer, but if it has anything to do with Christmas, it makes ME think of the Carol of the Old Ones.

Bach wrote a canata, “Sleepers, wake”, based on an earlier chorale of that name. Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme - Wikipedia

But I’ve never heard of any link to “O Holy Night”.

Dreamers Awake, This Holy Day?


Haha, yes, I know just how you feel. A friend showed that to me the other day…hilarious.

Did a bit more digging, and the phrase could have come from the song “Beautiful Dreamer.” But I would still like to categorically rule out any association with Christmas carols. :wink:

Thanks, Contrapuntal, that must be it. Holy Night, Holy Day…oh well. Mystery solved.

The copyright on the hymn is dated 2005/2006; I’m thinking the song has to be older than that. The referenced passages (Psalm 126:1; Isaiah 61:1 ff.) don’t contain the key phrase, either. Still, I’m pretty sure this has to be the hymn I’ve been thinking of.