This seemed like something that Cecil would have covered, but my search of the archives and the board didn’t turn up the answer. What is the origin of the association between left (especially left-handedness) and negative traits (i.e., gauche, sinister, etc.)?
I can’t find any bias against left-handedness in the Old Testament. Some examples of left-right equality:
The New Testament is initially unbiased to the left or right:
But in talking about the Last Judgment, Jesus uses this metaphor:
But that is an anomaly; the remainder of the New Testament shows no bias:
I read a book once that suggested it may have to do with the structure of our brains. The left side of our body is controlled by the right hemisphere, and vice versa. The right hemisphere is more pattern recognising, and “intuitive”, where as the left hemisphere is more logical. The left hemisphere also controls language. This guy suggested that the bias in language favouring the right side might have something to do with this. The left hemisphere would associate itself with the right side of the body, and with being on the right.
Its a bit of a whacky theory i guess, but its quite interesting too.
Uh, could it simply be that the majority of people are right-handed therefore left-handed people must of been evil deviants?
Almost, but not quite, true. While the Hebrew for left, smol, has no derogatory connotation (although in moderm Hebrew it is punned to match the English “small” all the time ), the Hebrew word for right, yemin, has a secondary meaning of “Power” or “Virility”.
The phrase “Yemin ha-shem ossa khayil” (the Right hand of the Lord [roughly “succeeds”]) also comes to mind, although I’m not quite sure from memory whether this is biblical or rabbinical (i.e., later…)
Dan Abarbanel
Since the neurological structure of the brain’s hemispheres was something not known until the 20th century, it can’t be the origin of this anti-left bias, which goes back at least two millennia.
IIRC from my Latin class, it also has connections with shaking hands.
You shook right hands upon meeting to show/prove that you had no weapon, but if you were left-handed, you could still wield your weapon. Therefore, left-handed = evil and devious!!
(It’s been a few years since I took the class, but I believe that’s what I remember.)