Origin of "shave and a haircut"

Everybody knows the tune associated with the words, “shave and a haircut – two bits!” Does anybody know where the tune originated? How about the words? And which came first, the tune or the words? I’m guessing the tune was around for awhile before somebody put words to it, but I could be wrong.


This has been asked a few times:

Shave and a Haircut - Two Bits!
Shave and a haircut - two bits
“Shave and a Haircut” song
Origin of the ‘Shave and a Haircut’ thing
What is the origin of this tune?


My wife says “Chinga tú madre, cabrón” to that tune. Actually, she refuses to say it, saying something about it being quite insulting.

Well, “Chinga tú madre” is spanish for “go f*ck your mother,” so I can understand why your wife refuses to say it…


Oops; I guess I should have said I know why she refuses to say it, and ask that no one actually translate it here. And provide a warning not to go about Mexico singing it. :slight_smile:

FWIW, she did say it one time while watching Roger Rabbit when the bad guy was looking for the bunny in the bar, tapping out the “shave and a haircut” knowing Roger wouldn’t be able to resist. She said it was offensive, and I asked why. Oddly, this was in Mexico watching it in Spanish.

As for the rest, I guess it’s now safe to say it means “male goat.” No harm, there :).