Origin of 'Trace of an accent..."

I need help in recalling the origin of a phrase. I am unsure if it came from an old movie or an old television show, or possibly even from an old vaudeville routine.

Over the years, my wife and I have frequently quoted the phrase, however now neither of us can recall from whence it came from. Nonetheless, we are both positive that it was not a creation of our own.

The phrase is some perturbation of “wore white kid gloves, had a trace of an accent and walked with a limp”.

We are even unsure in what context the phrase was spoken, however our general feeling is that it was done in a comic mood, possibly in reference to a suspect in a spy or detective story.

Potential origins that we have considered are the ‘Dick Van Dyke Show’, 'Perry Mason" and various Marx Bros. films. Thus far however, none of these shows appear to be the source.

Any help tracking this down would be gratefully accepted. Even if you don’t know where it originated, we’d be thrilled to hear that others have heard the phrase - for confirmation that we’re not crazy (or that our hallucination is shared).



How many ways could you say it?

A hint of an accent. A touch of an accent. A bit of an accent…

I suspect ‘trace’ once more commonly used than terms like ‘hint’ or ‘bit’, and it forms a symetry of sounds with the ‘T’ and ‘C’ in ‘trace’ and ‘accent’. The first recorded written form of the phrase might only reflect it’s common usage in the language of the time.