Original Star Wars Trilogy on DVD!

Dude, you have no idea how anal SW fans can be. I know that some folks have gone to the trouble of figuring out the combination to Kirk’s safe, but AFAIK, no Trekkie has bothered to calculate the theoritical energy levels of weapons in Trekverse. At least one SW fan has, however. And a star destroyer would totally kick all the Enterprises asses!

Here’s the first hour of it, if you can stand it. The Star Wars Holiday Special, in all its glory.

I’ve seen it on this very board, many times, mostly for purposes of comparing them with Star Wars weapons. It’s actually not all that hard, though, probably not hard enough to be particularly nerdy. When they tell you just how much antimatter there is in a photon torpedo, it’s just E = mc[sup]2[/sup].

And yet, whenever they hit something they seem to have the explosive force of a cannonball…


At $30 a pop, unless there’s some damn compelling extras on those discs, I’ll stick with my Laserdisc bootleg instead.

KGS is not referring to this set- he’s referring to a set of bootleg DVDs he bought that are laserdisc rips of the Original Original Trilogy, with a bootleg copy of the infamous Holiday Special as an added bonus.

They’re referring to the Special Edition Original Trilogy, which was altered a little bit for its 2004 DVD release from its theatrical release in 1997. For example, instead of Greedo shooting first (as he did in the Theatrical Special Edition), Greedo and Han appear to fire at the same time. You’ll get both the original theatrical release as well as the Special Edition of each film (kind of like what Spielberg did with E.T. after fans demanded it).

I might be one of the few who enjoy the SE’s more than originals.

::waits for the tomatoes::

I haven’t bought any of the SW releases since the Dolby VHS editions. I’m still holding out for the HD Surround sound version. Give it another year or so, it’ll be here eventually.

You all realize of course, that two or three years from now all these discs are going to be re-released on HD-DVD? And/or Blu-Ray?


As I’ve heard the story Lucas thought DVD format was going to be a shortlived format with the next leap being hot on the heels. He thought DVD was the 8-Tract of the new millenium. It would be around and popular for 4 or 5 years but then it would be largely forgotten and tossed out in favor of the new thing.

[Admiral Fish Head]

I’m mostly with you. I don’t like Greedo shooting first, but it’s not enough to ruin the movie for me. Most of the other changes I’m fine with. Especially “A New Hope”. I never understood the antipathy to that; I mean I’m totally baffled by it.

Yeah, but do you think the ORIGINAL theatrical versions will be in subsequent releases? It seems that someone had to twist Lucas’s arm to get him to do it even once, and I suspect the concession was that they won’t sell them on their own, but only packaged with the SpEds. grumble grumble…

Although I don’t put it past Lucasfilm to sell the lint from under their couch cushions because they know geeks will buy it, I don’t think we’ll see a lot of the unadulterated theatrical versions in the future. Especially as the picture gets incrementally better, the original’s flaws (I prefer to think of them as “charming imperfections”) will look worse.

Heck, that’s nothing. Now, if you admit that you like the prequels better, prepare for ground assault.

People can watch a full hour of that? :eek:

It’s a trap!

I have a bad feeling about opening this with your speakers up.

I actually like the prequels, not as much as the originals mind you. Revenge of the Sith is better as a whole than Return of the Jedi, in my mind, just for the scenes with Yoda, and the epic battle at the end.

I even like the Phantom Menace, and even would say I like the Gungans. I went and saw that movie seven times in the theatre, so they never curbed my enjoyment of the picture.

Lucas can’t do much wrong in my eyes. He brought me so much joy as a child, he’s almost got a lifelong pardon from me for any wrongdoings.

I’m not so much annoyed by “A New Hope” as much as all the fanboys that insist that “Episode IV: A New Hope” was the name all along. These fanboys are either too young to have ever seen the original theatrical release or have simply developed false memories. Despite their continued insistence, the opening crawl in 1977 had neither “Episode IV” nor “A New Hope”. The release of the original theatrical version should put this to rest once and for all.

And Han never gave Greedo a chance to shoot in the first place.

Buddha bless the Dope . I was going to buy the existing DVD’s next paycheck-now I can wait for the real thing! :smiley:

It is for me. Partially because of what it does to the character, but mainly because Han has a friggin blaster shot explode centimeters from his ear and he sits there grinning like an idiot. He doesn’t so much as flinch. Not to mention how this bounty hunter manages to miss a shot a drunken Stevie Wonder could make. How on earth did that seem like a good change to make?

And in my defense, I haven’t purchased a single Star Wars dvd yet. I knew they’d release the originals if I waited enough. :slight_smile:

Now that you’ve got that thought in your head, I feel as though it is my duty to tell you that the show is actually two hours long.

Hope your head doesn’t explode.

I got through almost five or six minutes, but then I had to clean barf off my screen.

I’m so glad I missed this the first time. It’d have warped my development, I’m pretty sure.