Yep, I love my trips to Origins. It has become the definitive board gaming con in the US since Gencon’s board gaming is not done as smoothly despite the better dealer room. I’ll be spending the majority of the time in the CABs room which has become a mini-con to itself, but I’ve decided this year to enter the Settlers of Catan nation championship just to say I’ve done it. The other big event I want to do is play something with Dr. Reiner Knizia, one of the great board abstract board game designers and guest of honor again this year.
So Gamera, with the bankruptcy of Gencon do you expect the importance of Origins to increase?
They’ve expanded to a full day on Wednesday this year! I’m not sure how much more gaming I can fit in then since Wednesday is usually a quiet day where people just kind of hang out but I’m going for it.
I am planning on being there. My nephew may be joining me, I have been getting him and his brother into board games. Most of my time will be at the Puffing Billy tournament. 5 days of intensive train games. I will be totally fried by Sunday.
I also try to learn or at least try one new game each year, so I may be elsewhere occasionally.
Fittingly, just as I’m about to leave Ohio, I think I’ll end up going for the first time. :smack: If Dr. Knizia is there, I’m going, cause I love his games, even if it DOES usually take about 5 times through to really learn the rules.
I met Dr. Knizia once for about three seconds at a previous Origins (my first one, as a matter of fact). Unfortunately I was tied up with another game so I didn’t get to say much to him. A couple of years ago he was going to do a seminar on mathematics in game design that was canceled at the last minute to my disappointment.
I was doing my pre-registration the other day and noticed that there weren’t any “Play with the pros” events which had been a great way to meet some of the guests of honor. For some reason they never send me a preregistration booklet no matter how many times I fill out the form for it so I don’t know if they’re gone or not but keep an eye out for that, DSYoungEsq. I’ve heard that the Doctor is a blast to play Lord of the Rings against (with him as Sauron, of course).
So, Lok, which style train games for you? 18xx? Crayon rails? Every possible Age of Steam map?
No, I really don’t - WotC just announced that it is going to be an official sponsor of GenCon this year, and I’d say that GenCon’s future outlook has improved considerably because of that. I am hoping Origins effort to re-brand itself will pick up attendance a little.
Not that there aren’t loads of people that come already, but it’s always nice to have more.
I look forward to attending the Smithee Awards for many years to come.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I could have sworn that WotC (and by extension Hasbro) was one of the major investors in GenCon growing out of the old TSR connection (I think I’ve seen tax evasion scams with a less complicated maze of companies…). They’ve certainly been a show sponsor for a a while time. I don’t see this as a real change yet; a year or two down the road is where I suspect we’ll see the real problems depending on how things go with their creditors. I’m not certain if that’s going to translate to some companies refocusing their energy toward Origins as their American centerpiece or if they’re going to try to ride out Gencon’s bankruptcy.
Mostly crayon games, although about the only railroad games I don’t play are the 18xx. The one kind of game I am consistently bad at is stock manipulation, so I have never tried those. I am actually pretty good at the other rail games, but not quite good enough to win the Puffing Billy championship.
Just Some Guy, are you a regular CABS attendee? (I have no idea if you’re local or not, but you mentioned the CABS room at Origins, so I thought I’d ask…)
MrWhatsit and I have been CABS members for a few years now. He’s there for pretty much every meeting. Not sure if we’ll be able to make it to Origins this year, though.
I’m not and there’s nobody local for me to play with, unfortunately. I just acknowledge that they have the best set up for board gamers at Origins by far.
Well, except for train gamers; it’s hard to beat that Puffing Billy set up since they’ve got their area running like the Italian railroads under Mussolini.
Heading up there tomorrow - maybe I’ll bump into one of you folks up there. I’ll be the guy hauling around a dark blue backpack with the initials ‘JRF’ on it.
We’re heading out tomorrow as well. (We’ll be leaving ChiTown at about 10:00 AM or so.) I don’t know how to describe myself in any way in particular but we are doing the Last Man Standing Cthulhu LARP, the paranoia LARP, and Karaoke on Friday night, so if your any of those, we might run into each other. We’re also doing some tabletops RPG’s, but I can’t remember when and since they’ve closed down registration, I can’t see what we’re registered for anymore.
Most of the people I know at the con will be doing RPGA events. I decided to do other things. A bunch of us were all Living Greyhawk players, but since I never played too many core modules, I didn’t have a lot of desire to finish up the core arc since I wouldn’t know any of the background story. Also, since my girlfriend wasn’t involved in LG, I’d be basically abandoning her for a good portion of the con. Not that it’d be that big of a deal, but since I’m the one who got her back into gaming, it’d be nice to actually game with her.
(She’s was an English major, so most of her geek pursuits were literary based–i.e. graphic novels, online comics. As far as gaming, she was pretty casual. In college she did tabletop Vampire. However, the GM had a thing for her so he would always have his NPC’s hit on her. It got so bad she created a lesbian just so his NPC’s would leave her alone. Of course, the GM just created a lesbian NPC who oddly enough had a thing for my girlfriend’s character… Needless to say, she basically swore off gaming at that point, but I got her back into it, even though due to me living 50 miles away, I’ve never actually gamed with her.)
I don’t usually get anywhere near Karaoke or LARP, so we may not run into one another. I’m mostly doing boardgames and Superhero RPGs, though my one guaranteed event is the Smithee Awards on Saturday night. Probably won’t haul the backpack to that, but I plan to wear my spankin’-new Guild of Calamitous Intent t-shirt…
I am in a minivan on I75 heading to Columbus from Atlanta. My fiance and I are primarily board gamers and will mostly be found in the CABS room. Also, eating wonderful nummy ice cream at North Market.
I have red hair and glasses, and will hopefully be playing long, thinky Martin Wallace games and lots of Tichu. Come say hello!
I start my drive in about an hour. I’m just burning some CD’s so I’ll have something to listen to on the way and waiting for some dinner to show up.
As stated I’ll be in the CABS room the bulk of the time. I’ll be wearing my Schlock Mercenary t-shirt tomorrow and I’ll be hauling a blue cooler around with me all weekend (sodas in the hall are way too expensive). I’m also going to continue my habit from previous years of getting pictures of the games I’m playing as a photo journal of the con.
MrWhatsit has been making noises about not going, but I think I am going to kick his butt out of the house and tell him to just go already. Perhaps Friday or Saturday night… He’s a tall guy with extremely long strawberry blond hair. If I can find my SDMB t-shirt, I’ll have him wear it for ease of identification! If he does go, he’ll most likely spend his time in the CABS board room.