Mrs. Hometownboy & I were discussing various things last night when the term “heavy metal” came up. She was curious about the origins both of the name and the phenomenon.
Reaching back into the dusty recesses of the mental file drawer, I came up with two possibly significant tidbits.
First, the magazine called Heavy Metal that apperared in the 70s(?) which featured “underground” style comic strips by folks such as moebius and was patterened after a French publication which I vaguely recall was “Metal Hurlant”, loosely translated as Screaming Metal.
Second, there is a line in Steppenwolf’s 1968 hit, Born to be Wild that runs something like:
I like smoke and night wind
Heavy metal thunder
Racing with the wind
And the feeling that I’m under
Even though I qualify solidly as a boomer generation member, I don’t recall paying too much attention to this particular genesis.
So the Mrs. says “Why don’t you post it on that BBS you enjoy so much? They probably know the answers.”
Excellent idea on her part, so here it is. Do either of the above have even the slightest connection to the subject?
The term was first used by William S. Burroughs in one of his books (can’t remember which one), I believe it was a type of S&M. As far as I know, the Steppenwolf song was the first connection of the term with music.
William Burroughs used the term in Nova Express in 1964.
It’s actually the first reference given in the OED for Heavy Metal as a type of music, though I have no idea if Burroughs was referring to music.
The term “heavy metal” goes back to the 1800s referring to specific elements in chemistry as well as large cannons. I doubt there is a direct connection to the music sense, thought the chemistry usage may have been familiar enough to people. I am also guessing that Steppenwolf’s reference was to a motorcyle (“heavy metal thunder”), which is the second citation in the OED entry. This first definite reference to Heavy Metal music in the OED is from 1973 in the magazine Crawdaddy:
I’m presuming that the title of this thread was meant to be
Origins of “heavy metal”
so I’m editing it to reflect that. Hometownboy, if you’d prefer something else, let myself or manhattan know, and we’ll change it.
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Thanks, ChronosChalk it up to newbie ineptness. Also thanks to yabob for the thread which I missed last April. I did do a search on the SD archives before posting, but I’m not sure if there’s a way to search the threads first…
In any event, the Mrs. and I are most grateful
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According to a PBS documentary on Rock & Roll that I have, the term was first used in a newspaper review of Jimi Hendrix. The writer said his music was like “heavy metal falling from the sky.” They said that was the first use of the term in that context.