Orly Taitz gets the judicial smackdown

This is a bit snarkier than most. You could tell the judge was having fun.

U.S. District Court Judge Sam Kent used to be good for some pungent stuff like that, Documents | The Smoking Gun, but he has since resigned after being impeached by the House but before his trial began in the Senate, Samuel B. Kent - Wikipedia.

What’s this Rule 901 of which the judge speaks? I watch Fox News all the time, there is no need to present evidence to authenticate anything. All you have to do is talk about it and therefore it is true. The Court is obviously being too hard on Orly.

Oh, well, it gets even better, as Dr. Taitz apparently doesn’t have proper credentials to really practice law at all: (parentheses are linked in the quoted article)

I’d expect any judge dealing with her in court wants to pound the gavel on his head in frustration.

You don’t have to be a member of the American Bar Association to practice law. It’s a voluntary organization of lawyers nationwide. I used to be a member; now I’m not. It makes no difference as to whether or not I can appear in a courtroom. And once you’re actually admitted to the bar, any bar, it makes no difference as to whether or not your law school was accredited by the ABA.

Land is a judge of the U. S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia. Presumably Taitz was permitted to appear in the case pro hac vice, by permission of the court, as often happens for out-of-state lawyers. She may be in trouble for her shoddy and lame case, but not for her status as a California lawyer.

This is what makes me giggle:

That’s the final good swift kick in the pants… “You suck. You lose. You can’t come back. And ya gotta pay, too.

Uh oh.

Orly’s client fires her, filing complaint with CA State Bar.

Apparently she filed motion on behalf of client without instructions. D’oh!

Jeesh at this rate we’re going to need all new Justices, the current ones are going to have mysterious injuries involving their heads and a wall.

Since Capt. Connie Rhodes could be court-martialed for this, maybe she’s just trying to cover her own ass. Would she have backed out if the suit had succeeded?

Oily Titz herself doesn’t believe Rhodes backed out:

Taitz: Ex-Client’s Letter Renouncing Me In Birther Case May Be A Forgery

and planned to disregard Rhodes’s (seeming) wishes anyway:

I love that judge, btw!

I just read the whole opinion. Fun stuff! Besides what’s already been mentioned, I liked this part too:

It’s like he added that bit of OT’s nonsense just to make absolutely sure people reading the opinion KNEW that Taitz was a loonball. An AOL poll as “evidence.” Wow!

Fuck that’s funny!

Btw, did you know that Titz is a dentist too?

“Need a root canal with a side of legal crazy? Call Orly Taitz Inc.!”

Ok, after seeing this woman over and over for months my question is: When are we going to see Orly Taitz porn?

Blonde, big made-up eyes…she’s ripe for something along the lines of “Nailin’ Palin” or whatever it was.

Title contest starts now!

AND she’s a real estate agent! Dentist, real estate agent, half-assed lawyer, total loonball. The woman is a marvel!

MerryMagdalen, how about Birthin’ with Oily Titz?

I don’t think there’s much of a market in the porn industry for batshit crazy middle aged women who CAN’T SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I could be wrong though. :wink:

Oh, there’s a fetish for everything under the sun, and moon, and Kenya.

You’re right. I remember many years ago scanning a porn shop in Amsterdam and being completely blown away by the weird stuff on display. (Is that chocolate sauce on her face? OH NO!!!)

Word. Dave Barry once wrote that if you did an Internet search for pictures of people having sex with goats that were on fire, you’d probably get a prompt, “What kind of goat?” :smiley:

Based on Taitz’ actions and statements, it’s fairly plausible that Taitz filed without instructions… Rhodes could make a good case that Taitz has destroyed her career.

So is there some kind of law that says one batshit crazy lawyer must be in the news at all times? Anti-game Jack Thompson finally got disbarred and laughed out of court, and now Taitz is stepping up the insanity.

Orly? Ya Rly

I clicked her interview link from elelle and I can’t wait for Orly to try to fill the shoes of the late great Mel Blanc.

“Ssssssh! Be Vewwwy vewwwy Qwuiet…! We’re fiwwing Wahsuits! Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-!”