Osama bin Laden and All Your Base

Is it just me or are there an astounding number of parallels between Osama bin Laden and Zero Wing?

  1. Osama’s organization is known as al Qaeda which translates to The Base. “All The Base are Belong to Us”

  2. The American operation to thwart Osama is called Operation Infinite Justice. “Take off every Zig … for Infinite Justice

  3. In AD 2101, War was happening. Well, almost … War beginning in AD 2001.

  4. Osama is the Arabic word for “Lion”. That means Osama is … CATS!
    Hmmmm … Conspiracy? :smiley:

oh lord.

well, hell, I’ve got nothing better to do tonight. What say we try to convince the world of this? :smiley:


well, rather than discuss this, howsabout we light oily rags on fire and throw them into a cornfield? and then stand in the middle?
i guess you can tell… i don’t like AYB.

Somebody set us up the plane.
oh, man, am I ever going to HELL for that one!


{sideways guy in anguish}

Damn you. I had just recently gotten that out of my head, but I’m too tired to flame you. Consider yourself uncomfortably warmed.

Well, one of the best “fake” Onion headlines from yonder thread was:

** Bush to Osama: Al Your Queda Are Belong To U.S.**

I admit, after reading the OP I was tempted to turn my “All Your Dumb Fad” shirt into an Osama bin Laden parody, but decided it would be in bad taste…

Oh god, isn’t it mentioned in the bible somewhere that when people get this bored the apocolipse will come?

No, we should get Bush to make a video, make millions oc copies and drop em all over Afghanistan just for the possibility that OBL would see one. I think it has a good deal of annoyance power and wer should use it. Just like we did with whatshisname in Panama.

In AD 2001, war was beginning.

Bush: What happen?!

Cheney: Somebody set up us the bomb.

Powell: We get signal.

Bush: What!


For the sake of the theory, why assume it was Osama?

Hint: It was called Another pearl Harbor



I meant to say, “why assume osama acted alone?”


It is about time!

I love it!

heh. :slight_smile:

Dubya-sama: “Omea o korusu Bin Laden!”

Gah! Stupid typo!

Ah hell, it’s not worth bugging a mod about,

yes IK it’s Omae o korusu.

hampster no baka

What you say!!

Except it’s “for great justice” in the original.