Oscar the grim reaper kitty

Personally, I can’t think of anything that would make my death more pleasant than having Oscar wander in to spend some quality time with me. (I’m a sap for cats.) Unfortunately, it sounds like most of his marks aren’t even aware of his presence.

I remember an old Southern wives’ tale that you had to keep cats away from sleeping babies because the cat would climb on the baby’s chest and “suck the air out” of the kid.

I wonder if you put the dying person in a box whether Oscar would be able to tell if they were dead or alive.

Providence? Isn’t that Lovecraft territory?

We know what Oscar’s fussing about- “Drats! Another soul has escaped my paws.”

Is there also the sound of whipporwils?

Btw- that is one cute cat.

Theirs had me laughing for about 10 minutes. Yours put me on the floor.

Cats don’t only purr when they’re happy. They purr whenever they want to attract or provide contact. I’ve only held a few injured cats, but they’ve all been purring. The vet said it wasn’t unusual. (The first was a kitten with a broken hip and a compound break to one femur. I was surprised at the purr.)

I’m guessing that he’s providing support to someone that he perceives to be needing it, rather than just enjoying a smell.

Hey, I resent the ‘old’ part. :mad: :wink:

Cat’s Eye , anyone?

Death Cat Begins Gonzales Vigil

Isn’t there some old folk superstition regarding cats stealing the breath of people? This would explain how it came about.

That’s what I was talking about @62. Sucking the breath out of babies.

1/sqrt(2) each.