I have severe tooth sensitivity from receding gums, so my dentist suggested a prescription high-fluoride toothpaste (along with other stuff), which works well. However it costs $30.00/tube (!!) at his office and I cannot buy it online without a license.
Has anyone used any of the OTC stuff with any success? Note that I’m not talking about Sensodyne or such products . . . I would think at least 1.1% fluoride toothpaste.
Dentist here, ask the pharmacist for Gel-Kam or other similar Fluoride product. No Rx needed, but you have to ask. it was Rx a few years ago but no more. Don’t know what they cost. Different pharms may have different products but should have an equivalent. I prefer gels to rinses. Only takes a pea sized dab v. a mouthfull.
That stuff is the shit. Worth the $30! I just had a filling done that I put off for a year and the dentist said that my decay reversed a ton over 3 sets of x-rays.
Correct, but no Rx needed for the Gel-Kam. Works fine for most folks and cheaper.(According to some of my patients, I don’t know what they cost an probably varies by pharmacy)