Other Space-New TV show on Yahoo (MST3K fans might want to look)

For some reason I hadn’t heard of the new comedy series Other Space. It’s online for free on Yahoo. So far I’ve seen 2 of the episodes. Entertaining but not hilarious. Interesting cast Joel Hodgson and Trace Beaulieu from Mystery Science Theater are on it. Trace even plays a robot. Also my future wife Lily from AT&T is in it. The show is from Paul Feig. Anyone else watch it?

I liked it. I gets a bit goofy at times, but it was funny.

Hopefully there will be more.

And we’re gonna have to fight over Lily

Thanks for the heads up - I hadn’t heard about it. The first episode was fun. Nothing life-changing, but charming with several good laughs. And Joel and Trace!

I shall gird my loins and whatever else might need to be girded.

I did find Karan Soni’s shtick to be grating. It was like a long form version of his AT&T commercial character. He’s the guy who play the cab driver in Deadpool and is basically the lead of the show.

I think I’ve watched about half and Trace Beaulieu is my favorite part. Not much of a stretch from being Crow T. Robot but he’s used well.

It was all right. It has potential, at least.