Out of the mouths of babes...

Just think, 699 years, 364 more days till Shakespeare

Tell me about it! For some reason, “knees”, “nose” and “toes” all get the bumpy bit on her face pointed at.

We’ll never get into a good preschool at this rate.

I don’t think she can even spell “cnfxddd”, fer Chrissakes! I’ve obviously failed as a mother.

She’s evidently fluent in Welsh, especially with all those cs, ds, and ws.

I used to have a file one of my parrots typed, but got rid of it a couple weeks back. I recall it had a lot of "m"s in it, however.

This PDF file contains the complete text of a infinite-monkey-Shakespeare experiment conducted by six monkeys sharing the same computer. There is only one intelligible English word in the text- “mass.” Despite this achievement, your baby is obviously smarter than six monkeys, as the “Dfxjk” and “kxckalaz” segments alone show much more originality than “sssssssssssssssssaaavala,” to say nothing of the brilliant prose that is “cvgrrderwdwwwwwws.”

Am I the only one who opened this thread, expecting to find out something that Liv Tyler said?

Despite my disappointment, congrats, grimpixie! Looks like you’ve got a future SDMB moderator on your hands.



DAMMIT! Beat out. :mad: :stuck_out_tongue: