Outlaw Running Now!

Researchers find a naturally produced Cannabinoid in runners, probable source of the “runners high”.

Of course, this means an instant DEA clampdown on runners and joggers everywhere.

I can see the ad campaign now;

Run a Mile, Go to Jail

Only Losers run long distances

Of course, in this era of asset forfeiture, this will mean the seizure of the offender’s brains…

I hope the drug tests employers make you take nowadays can tell the difference…

Just say No! Sit on your ass all day until the lateral spread wedges you into your easy chair, and we can win this battle in the war on drugs!

Nike Smoke.
Just doob it.

Shin splints: the anti-drug.

Why is this all over the news now?

Haven’t we known for years that anandamide release is one of the things that makes tantric sex so darned mind-bending?

“Wow, other types of marathon exertion produce the same effect!”