Outrageous lies about the previous poster.

Annie-Xmas has won her law suit, so we may all enjoy her “over enthusistic” interpretation as a Wal Mart Greeter (WARNING- Shin Pads suggested if wearing blue)


Full Metal Lotus sits by the norhtbound lanes of the freeway every morning, handing a Buffalo nickel to EVERY driver that passes by – after he/she licks it.

5-4-Fighting currently works as a restaurant host and quite happy picking the seats of his customers.

IrreverentTone’s username is a clue to his secret identity; Klaw, Master of Sound !

Der trish plays well with others.


The Illuminati answer to Full Metal Lotus, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

Full Metal Lotus once mated a Peruvian Fighting Scorpion to a Saber-Toothed Leaping Angola Rabbit. Neither heel of boot nor Holy Hand Grenade will eradicate the foul spawn of this unholy union, and it is certain to be the end of us all.

Aioua once piloted a remote control robotic whale and rammed it into a Greenpeace boat out of pure spite.

If you look at him and close your left eye, Cluricaun becomes a hologram of himself and Billy the Kid in drag.

5-4 Fighting is the only message board poster that can be seen from space!

Arien is the internet alterego of Batman.

5-4-Fighting is responsible for “faking” of the moon landing. What you don’t know is that he did it by dragging the moon down into his backyard and filming it (it’s much easier to make something fall than to lift it, of course) and then later hiding the moon under a pile of straw. When you look up at night, that’s not the moon, it’s a jar of fireflies on the end a fishing pole that 5-4-Fighting is dangling from your roof.

Aioua is a licensed Attorney, & America’s leading expert in Lycanthropic Law.

A twofer:

Aioua has all the fiction filed under “S” from his local library in his kitchen cabinet. He actually uses pages from Steinbeck’s works to make lasagna.

When you meet **Inner Stickler ** for the first time, you can ask him for all of the black socks he owns, and he’ll give them to you. If you ask him the second or subsequent time you meet, he won’t even acknowledge the request.

5-4-Fighting once ate an entire rhinoceros. Horn and all.

Inner Stickler is an award-winning novelist who writes all of his books on parchment paper using turkey feathers dipped in fresh goat blood.

If you say **Inner Stickler ** in a mirror 13 times in a row at midnight, he will come out of the mirror and reorginize your closet.

InvisibleWombat is both.
Zebra, is also an Invisible Wombat, oddly enough.

If I did that, do you think I would reorganize my closet? Because my closet could use some straightening up and I’d rather not do it.

Bosda is trained to spot invisible creatures and take protective measures.

Bosda can often be seen nude, playing the ukulele, with a chorus of singing monkeys, on the roof of Home Depot.