Okay ive been researching this for days amd cant find out what im looking to know so its time to ask for help. This is actually a couple questions but in my research ive learned about ISP and how search engines work censorship etc. What im wondering is how search results of search engines differ by country location and laws. For absence of a better example let’s say anywhere in the us u go to an adult website. Most of the images that appear will be white females. But if you wher in asia using the same search engine would the first site u open be mostly all asian women? Also what about things that are legal/illegal to sell. Some thing illegal to sell in America buy legal to sell in another part of the world. If your in that part of the world and search for it. Im assuming it would just pop right up? Now if u find out wat search engine was used in that part of the world and test this theaory would u actually see what they would see or would u see what’s allowed for your local isp? And I dont wanna go through the hassle untill someone tells me it will work but as far as changing your ip. If I change my ip and to china and do I search will I see what someone in china would see with there censorship laws etc or would I still be going through my isp restrictions??
Except for pages blocked by censorship, as I understand it, the same search terms = the same results, anywhere in the world. Obviously you could verify this in about 5 minutes by changing your location using a proxy and searching google again.
However, if you wanted to find naked asian women, presumably, the same search terms but in an Asian language (chinese/korean/japanese etc) would bring up more asian results.
Some related reading : A State by State Map of America's Filthy Porn Searches
If I go to google and type in “pizza” then (ignoring the ads) the first page of results is all pizza parlors in or near my city, except for a Wikipedia article on pizza that is the sixth entry and three “in-depth” articles at the bottom of the page.
After you complete that research, perhaps you could consider researching capital letters & apostrophes? Then maybe spelling out words? Learning that might make you look more like a grown-up.
This is not true.
Google does a lot of matching based on your location, and on your previous searches.
(yes, Big Brother is here.)
For any search, the results you see on your screen may be different than what your neighbor sees.
I don’t have time at work to look for a more thorough cite, but here’s a blog that discusses it: http://8gramgorilla.com/why-we-should-be-wary-about-the-future-of-search-engines/
" searching for the term ‘Egypt’–two friends received massively varying results – one saw search results about the civil unrest in Egypt, the other about holiday opportunities."
I was kind of surprised to find unsanctioned goods from certain popular animes on Ebay. I was wondering if you could find that kind of thing as easily if you were in Japan.
one more reason to get out of google plus. it definitely is country specific.
So is regular Google. I have never used Google+ and am almost never signed in to my Google account. Nevertheless, if I type www.google.com into my browser location bar, I am immediately redirected to www.google.co.uk. It knows I am in the UK from my IP address. If I search for, for instance, grocery shops, it shows me a map of grocery shops in my local area. If I search for products or services, it will generally show me businesses offering those products or services in my local area. If I go to Google Maps, the initial map that comes shows my home town, and is centered roughly on my house. Google knows where I am, within a few blocks, from my IP address, and takes that into account in the results that it returns. Also, if I haven’t cleared my cookies lately, my search results will be affected by other things I may have searched for recently.
Depending on how your ISP does things, your IP address may not locate you quite as accurately as mine seems to do. However, unless you are spoofing your location deliberately, by using a proxy, Google (and other web sites) can almost always reliably locate at least your general area.
What Habeed said may have been true ten years ago, but it could hardly be further from the truth today.
and if you have a smartphone get the tiger vpn on it. works like magic to befuddle google. i have my youtube linked into my gmail etc etc so i need google for that reason.
When I search for generic things I tend to find sites mostly in Australia, because that’s where I am (and often I am searching on google.com.au, an additional clue), and I will also see sites I visit regularly near the top of the list, such as the SDMB. I don’t know for certain that’s coincidence or deliberate, but considering how complex and constantly evolving Google’s algorithms are, it would not surprise me if it was the latter.
Well, correction. If I type in google.com it does not redirect me to google.co.uk. I am pretty sure it used to, but one of the other things about Google is that it changes aspects of its behavior on a frequent basis. Also maps.google.com shows me a map of the USA, not of my local area as maps.google.co.uk does.
The rest of what I said still applies though. Google knows where you are and takes that into account in searches. Most likely, as currently set up, if you explicitly ask for another country’s version of Google it will assume you want results relevant to that country, and not to your own locality.