Over 30 (one of those email thingies)

This is for all you girls 30 years and over… and for those who are turning 30, and for those who are scared of moving into their 30’s…AND for guys who are scared of girls over 30!!!..

This was written by Andy Rooney from CBS 60 Minutes.

Andy Rooney says:

As I grow in age, I value women who are over 30 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why:

A woman over 30 will never wake you in the middle of the night to ask, “What are you thinking?” She doesn’t care what you think.

The rest can be found here. - SkipMagic

Thanks for the chuckle. I love Andy Rooney.

Or, in this case, you love Frank Kaiser.

Thanks for posting that, huk24 . And thanks to Hal Briston for posting the Frank Kaiser version.

I’m going to turn 40 in two months, and it’s nice to be reminded that there are some advantages. :wink:

And the line about “buying the whole pig” cracked me right up.

I trimmed your post and linked to the originating piece, huk24, because the majority of what you posted came from the writer, Frank Kaiser. (Which isn’t to say that you were aware of that.)

We don’t want the SDMB to be held responsible for copyright violations, so I left enough in for Fair Use. If everyone wants to read more, they can follow that link, or they can see the Snopes article to which Hal Briston linked.

  • SkipMagic