Owwwwwwwowowow owowowoowowowowowo!

Here’s hoping. Now my head is hurting so much, I can’t even notice the damn toe.

this has not been a really great day, pain-wise.

Why were you using irons anyway? Alice, I’ve got some dumbbells you can borrow if you’re that desperate to get into shape.

Thanks Ender but I have my own weights. And chin up bar. And punching bag. And curly hair.

I’m pretty much totally hooked up.

dammit, you guys, i’m not supposed to BE on the internet, and NOW you’re trying to make me laugh ON PURPOSE so that i’ll get into trouble! sheesh. some friends you are… :smiley:

as it is, i feel your pain, AIW, and now i’m gonna make damn sure my tail’s out of the iron’s reach…

looks back


tucks tail away quickly


THAT’S gonna leave a mark!