Oyster sauce

So is this a Jewish thing, or a vegetarian thing? I’m not much on Jewish (although my bookshelves boast four versions of the Sepher Yetzirah), but vegetarian seems fairly obvious. I just thought it would help to know why the question was being asked.

For some reason, that line just made want to hug you while you giggled like a schoolgirl.

I should probably shut up now.

I’m Jewish.

Ah, gotcha. So I’ll let others answer your question.

I just wasn’t clear on your reason for asking, is all.

If you’re OK with something vegetarian, but not kosher-certified, we use mushroom sauce that you can get at some Asian markets. If we don’t have that, we just use more soy sauce.

No vegetarian Oyster Sauce at Joe’s Oriental Grocery, dang it.
I guess it will be mail order. I think they did have a mushroom sauce, though…I forgot rice crackers!

“Asian Grocery” near the now defunct “Egg Roll King” is for the most part, Indian.
I have never seen cumin sold in 400 gm plastic bags.
My nose still hurts. :slight_smile:
Still no vegetarian oyster sauce.
I will seek Indian recipes and return!

Without kosher certification, how can we be sure that the mushroom sauce is actually vegetarian?

I think you just have to know how they killed the mushroom.


No, it’s not just you.

When you get to Hell, stick my towel on the sunbed next to yours, will you? :smiley: